One down, lots more to go …

Well, I can mark one of my 2009 writing resolutions off the list. I’m doing a final read-through and edit of Assassin 3 before I send that to my agent to read. I should be done with it by the end of the week.

I always love sending projects off to the agent. Makes me feel like I’m actually accomplishing something, instead of just wasting hours in my office typing like a madwoman. 😈

Next up, I think I’m going to venture into new territory and try to write a young adult novel. I have an idea that I’ll share when I get it a little more fleshed out.

What about you writers out there? What are you working on right now? Share in the comments.

2 Responses to “One down, lots more to go …”

  1. Tia says:

    Your blog doesn’t play well with my browser at work. I tried to answer this during my lunch break a few days ago.

    I’m querying my spy fantasy. Querying kills my muse. So I’m blogging like a madwoman. And I’m actually a little burned out.

  2. Jennifer Estep says:

    Yeah, I think it’s because the format is the same as the rest of the Web site. I’ve gotten some comments from other folks that it gets a little wonky sometimes.

    Keep querying. It’ll pay off in the end. I know. I got something like 400 rejections before I sold, so hang in there. :bubbles:

    I know what you mean about being burnt out. I’d like to just laze around and read, but I’m determined to write something new by the end of the February. We’ll see how it goes …

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