‘Tis done … for now …

So I’ve finished my latest round of edits and finally sent Assassin 3 to my agent for her reading pleasure. It clocks in at 99,267 words. Huzzah! I’m always glad to finish a project and move on to something else. And hey, now I can mark this one off my 2009 resolutions list. :ww:

I’m kind of anal-retentive (i.e. insane) about working ahead. I like to get things done well in advance. Just to let you know how crazy I am about working ahead, here are some tidbits: Assassin 3 isn’t due to my editor until June, and it won’t be published until October 2010. But I’ve passed it on and gotten the wheels rolling, even if they do grind slowly at times.

I’ve got a bit of a lull now while I wait for my agent to read Assassin 3 and get back to me with comments/revision suggestions/etc. So I’ve decided to try my hand at writing a young adult novel. I’ve never written a YA before, and I’m wondering if I can even do it. Can I get the voice right? Will it come off as cool? Or just stilted and dumb?

Those are the kind of thoughts I have with every book, but more so with the YA since this is uncharted territory for me. But I’ve got my concept and overall story in mind, and I’ve even decided on a working title: Quiver. Think Robin Hood meets the Scarlet Pimpernel. With magic and stuff. (And yes, I totally know there’s a Green Arrow graphic novel with the same title. But you can’t copyright titles.)

Right now, I’ve feeling pretty jazzed about writing Quiver. I bored poor Wheezley to tears last night talking about it. We’ll see how I feel when I’m 50,000 words in, my wrist is killing me, and I think that it’s all crap. Ah, well. It will be a learning experience if nothing else …

What about you guys? What projects are you working on right now — writing or otherwise? Share in the comments.

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