921 and counting …

Finished Then You Hide by Roxanne St. Claire. This is the second book in her Bullet Catchers romantic suspense trilogy (and fifth BC book overall) about the search for three sisters who were given up for adoption 30 years ago.

In this one, potential BC and sharpshooter Wade Cordell is sent to the Caribbean to track down Vanessa Porter, who is one of three sisters the BCs are looking for in order to find a bone marrow match for their dying, imprisoned mother. Wade thinks the job — getting Vanessa to come back to the States and have a bone marrow test — will be easy. Until he meets Vanessa and realizes what a dynamo she is. Vanessa is searching for her best friend, who abruptly resigned from his job and claims to be enjoying life in the tropics. But Vanessa is suspicious and rightly so, since people she know keep ending up dead …

I have to say that Vanessa is one of my favorite BC heroines thus far. She’s smart, tough, and doesn’t take crap from anyone — not even Wade. She’s a driven, selfmade woman who loves her job and is totally committed to it. I also liked the fact that Vanessa was the one who had commitment issues and more casual attitudes about sex than Wade. The role reversal was a nice chance of pace.

I would say that this book leans more toward the suspense end of the scale than romance. In addition to Vanessa’s search for her friend, we also get several scenes about the overall mystery — who framed Eileen Stafford for murder and fathered her children. But I enjoyed the emphasis on the mysteries, and the villian in regards to Vanessa’s arc was completely surprising. St. Claire throws in a nice twist there.

Overall, a good continuation of the overall plot of the trilogy and a nice, main mystery to try to puzzle out. I’m looking forward to finishing the next book. Thumbs up.

Up next: Now You Die by Roxanne St. Claire.

Books in my TBR pile: About 20.

What about you guys? What are you reading in the new year? Share in the comments.

7 Responses to “921 and counting …”

  1. Shannon says:

    I am so overwhelmed with my books. I have 24 in my TBR pile and some of them with pressing due dates. I’m reading Poltergeist by Kat Richardson and nest up after that are all of the Jennifer Weiner’s novels.

  2. Jody W. says:

    I haven’t read in anything for pleasure yet in 2009. I haven’t even taken stock of my 2008 reading! But I do have a list. I had more DNF books last year than ever before, I think.

  3. Brian says:

    I just finished On Beauty by Zadie Smith. It is a wonderful book. I was a little scared of reading it after seeing her interviewed — I was afraid I wasn’t smart enough for the book. And though I couldn’t really grasp some of the art work that was mentioned, I really loved the story.

  4. Michele L. says:

    Hi Jennifer!

    My most recent book I read was GREYWALKER by Kat Richardson. It was excellent! It is a paranormal mystery. I highly recommend it! Ooo…Shannon, I haven’t heard of the book POLTERGEIST by Kat Richardson. I will have to get that one next.

    I also read before that, MAYHEM IN HIGH HEELS by Gemma Halliday, TALK ME DOWN by Victoria Dahl and MARRIAGE, MANHATTAN STYLE by Barbara Dunlop. I read a variety of genres.

    Have a great week!

  5. Jennifer Estep says:

    Shannon — Don’t feel bad. I think I have 22 books in my TBR pile — and am thinking about ordering some more from Amazon. It’s an addiction! 😎

    Jody — When I start something, I try to finish it, even if I’m not enjoying it. I really should give myself permission to put a book down. But when I’ve paid for it, I feel like I *have* to finish it. Know what I mean?

    Brian — I’ve heard of that book but have never really taken time to see what it’s about. May have to look at it …

    Michele — I’ve heard good things about the Richardson and Dahl books. Two more titles to add to my ever-growing list of books to try … 😉

  6. Amy says:

    My TBR pile grows every time I put in a new order at the library. Even books that I order that I don’t think I’ll want to read look good once I sit down to process them. Sigh…I’m thinking it will never end. Hazards of the job, I suppose!

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