I love it when a plan comes together …

So I hope everyone had a good Valentine’s Day this weekend. I did. Wheezley and I went out to dinner, ate way too much food, swapped presents, and watched bad movies on TV.

As a result, I have several new books to read, including Graceling, The Stepsister Scheme, The Way of Shadows, and Blue-Eyed Devil (which I already started and am loving).

Now, I love me some books. But Wheezley got me something even better — and cheesier. I am now the proud owner of – wait for it, wait for it – an A-Team T-shirt!

Yes, I can now wear my T-shirt while I watch the DVDs of my favorite TV show. It’s really sad how happy this makes me. 😎

What about you guys? Anyone get anything cool for Valentine’s? Share in the comments.

9 Responses to “I love it when a plan comes together …”

  1. Jennifer Estep says:

    PR — Half-price candy is always good. :woodstock:

    Tia — Yep, I saw both of these on your site. I check out a lot of the titles you guys review on FDebut.

    The book you posted today from the small press looks interesting too …

  2. Shannon says:

    My hubby surprised me with roses. The vase had a cute bracelet around it and I wore it until my 2 year old grabbed hold and broke it. Hubby also gave me some much needed alone time which I used to of course Read. I read State of the Onion by Julie Hyzy, I shockingly loved. When I picked it up I just thought it was a clever title.
    I dig your A team shirt.

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