Book quest …

I’m looking for a book. I saw it recently, although I don’t remember on what Web site or blog (Fantasy Debut? The Good, the Bad, and the Unread?). I don’t remember the title or the author. I meant to bookmark it so I could go back to it later, but, well, it just didn’t happen.

What I do remember is that the book was an epic-type fantasy about a thief who steals something that he shouldn’t and gets caught up in some kind of conspiracy. The other major character is some sort of wizard who may or may not be going crazy. But their two stories collide, and stuff happens.

I think it’s the first book in a series because I vaguely remember looking at the second book on Amazon, and it was revealed that the thief and the wizard are brothers or something.

Anyway, not being able to find this book (even just to look at it on Amazon) has been driving me crazy! Does this sound familiar to anyone? Can anyone help? If so, please leave me a comment. Thanks! :ww:

9 Responses to “Book quest …”

  1. Jennifer Estep says:

    Tia — No, it’s not that one. I saw this one somewhere a couple of months ago. It was definitely about a wizard and a thief, and I remember the blurb was talking about how the wizard’s magic was driving him crazy …

  2. PurpleRanger says:

    That sounds familiar enough where I think I may have seen it at one of my local bookstores. I’ll have to do a little checking to see if I can find the book.

  3. Jennifer Estep says:

    Jeanne — No, it’s not that one either. It sounds similar to that one except I got the impression that the book was split pretty equally between the thief and the wizard.

    But thanks for the suggestion. That book looks good too! :buttercup:

  4. PurpleRanger says:

    I spent about an hour or so yesterday going through the SF/F section of Borders. I think I found a couple of titles that come close to your description.

    The first is WHEN DEMONS WALK, by Patricia Briggs. The second is MAGIC LOST, TROUBLE FOUND by Lisa Shearin.

    I have no idea if either one of these is the book you seek, but these were the closest matches I could find.

  5. nightdragon62 says:

    Anything by Patricia Briggs is a good read. I highly recommend her. Dragon Bones and Dragon Blood by her are good too.

  6. Jennifer Estep says:

    PR — No, it’s not either one of those. From what I remember, it’s about two guys and both of those feature a female heroine. Thanks for looking though.

    NDragon — I’ve enjoyed Briggs’ Mercy Thompson series, although I need to read the last two books. Another series I’ve fallen behind on. Too many books, too little time …

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