Holy crap, Batman! I’m in Entertainment Weekly!

dscn0514.JPGSo, I’m relaxing on the couch tonight flipping through the latest copy of Entertainment Weekly. I’m up to the book section, and I’m looking at all the titles. I flip the page …

And there it is.

EW reviewed Hot Mama in this week’s issue. Oh. My. God! 

Let me say it again. Oh. My. God! I’ve been a subscriber for years, and I’d always dreamed of getting one of my books reviewed in the magazine. But I’d never thought it actually happen. At least, not this soon. EW usually only does big-name, bigtime books (no pun intended). Some of the other authors in the issue include Kyle Mills, David Baldacci, the new Borat book, and Donald McCaig’s Rhett Butler’s People. To be included with them, well, it’s an honor and a thrill. Not to mention the fact I’m a huge pop culture fan. And to be in a magazine about pop culture … it’s just awesome!

I know the picture is crappy, so here’s what the review says:

Fashion designer by day and superhero by night, Fiona Fine uses her “brains, brawn and general bitchiness” — plus the ability to create fire at will — to fight evil in Bigtime, N.Y. But Fiona fears moonlighting as Fiera will ruin her budding relationship with Johnny Bulluci, a mysterious hunk who reminds Fiona of her murdered fiance. Estep’s tongue-in-cheek use of genre trappings and the abundance of supporting characters (like Halitosis Hal) are snappy and diverting. But her central plot about the “ubervillains” trying to “take over Bigtime, then the world” is disappointingly thin. B — Hannah Tucker

And if appearing in the magazine wasn’t nice enough, they actually liked my book. Happy dance time! :ww:

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