Words of the week …

There was an interesting post over at Fangs, Fur, and Fey this week talking about authors who blog and how much of their work they share online. One person commented that she likes to see a sentence or two from daily writing. I thought this was a cool idea and thought I would share a paragraph I’ve written this week.

This is from Assassin 2. I’m currently working on the second draft of the book, really getting into the story and adding all the description, etc. Anyway, here’s a paragraph about one of the bad guys, a defense lawyer. Enjoy!

At first glance, Jonah McAllister looked like any other man in the room. Classic tuxedo, white shirt, diamond cufflinks, polished wingtips. His gunmetal gray hair was parted on the side, with a thick doowop that curled up, down, and around his forehead like a scoop of vanilla soft serve. Although he had to be pushing fifty, Jonah had the face of a much younger man — smooth, clean-shaven, free of wrinkles, even around the corners of his brown eyes. My guess? Botox and the finest Air elemental facials and skin treatments his retainers could buy. Still, for all his youthful vigor, Jonah McAllister radiated aw-shucks charm the way a snake-oil salesman might. Shake his hand, and you’d be wiping the grease off yours for the next ten minutes. And wondering where the hell your wallet went.

If you guys like these sort of mini-excerpts, I might share more as I go deeper into the book. Let me know in the comments.

Have a great weekend! :ww:

3 Responses to “Words of the week …”

  1. Tia says:

    Wow; what great description. Air-elemental facials, huh? Keep ’em coming, but please don’t give anything away!

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