Weekend plans …

1) Write some more on Quiver, my young adult fantasy. I’m up to 16,000 words and change, and I want to crank at out least 10,000 more (craptastic) words this weekend. We’ll see how much my carpal tunnel wrist actually lets me get done.

2) Finish reading No Rest for the Wicked by Kresley Cole. I’m so digging her Immortals After Dark series.

3) Start reading a new book.

4) Resist the urge to go to Books-A-Million and see what’s new. Must … resist … shiny … covers …

5) Drag Wheezley to Office Depot. Because I have coupons and there is a serious dearth of Sharpies on my desk. Wha-ha-ha! 😈

What about you guys? Got any big weekend plans?

5 Responses to “Weekend plans …”

  1. Shartyrant says:

    I spent my weekend buying three books called Hot Mama, Jinx and Karma Girl at the bookstore because they looked like a fun read. Plus, I have a weakeness for superheroes and villians.

    The covers attracted the eye, but the blurbs grabbed me. Looking forward to reading more from you after I finish these!


  2. PurpleRanger says:

    I don’t remember if I saw this at Wal-Mart or Office Depot, but I noticed that there are five new Sharpie colors. I don’t remember all the names, but two of them are Blueberry and Earl Gray. I saw them in both the Fine and Ultra Fine Sharpies, and they were sold in packs with some of the older colors.

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