Turn, turn, turn …

Is it just me or has this year flown by so far? It seems like I get up in the morning … and then I’m getting up the next morning … and then I’m getting up the morning after that. Almost like I’m stuck in a time loop like in Groundhog Day or something. Or this one episode of Xena: Warrior Princess that I remember was pretty cool.

When I was a kid, the days (especially school days) seemed to drag on and on. Now, I blink, and I’m a week in the future — and not quite sure how I got there to start with. And the previous week? Well, it’s pretty much a blur.

It’s mid-April — already. And I’ve accomplished very little of what I set out to do this year. I’ve only finished one book — and I wanted to finish at least four.

I did get the Web site updated (finally), and I’ve been on a pretty good reading clip recently. But still … ack! Too much to do, not enough time. Must be more productive.

What about everyone else? Are the days flying by for you too?

5 Responses to “Turn, turn, turn …”

  1. Tia says:

    Time always flies. It’s part of the problem with getting older. The more time you’ve got behind you, the faster time goes by.

  2. Jody W. says:

    The fact that it’s April 15 and we are NOT desperately doing our taxes is a good sign :). I suspect time will fly for me more once both kids are in school.

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