Titles, titles everywhere …

So my editor, agent, and I have started talking about a formal title for the first Assassin book and the series as a whole.

I’ve been pretty lucky with my titles so far in that all the titles I’ve suggested have been used. The only change was Karma (my original title for the first Bigtime book) to Karma Girl (the final title) — which I thought was much cooler.

Anyway, here are some titles that we’re thinking about for the Assassin book:

Gin on the Rocks (my title)

Assassin, Interrupted


Spider’s Web

Spider’s Bite

I’d be happy with any of these titles, although I like Gin on the Rocks and Assassin, Interrupted the best so far. I’d love for the titles of all the books to be tied together, and I think it would be easy to do that using the word Gin. For example, I’m calling the second book Gin with a Twist and the third one Bitter Gin.

But I also think using Assassin in all the titles would work too — and maybe we could use popular movie/book titles and just put Assassin in there. Like Assassin, Interrupted (Girl, Interrupted) or The Good, the Bad, and the Assassin (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly).

What do you guys think? Which of these titles do you like? Share in the comments.

7 Responses to “Titles, titles everywhere …”

  1. Tia says:

    Ok, I had to look up what Girl, Interrupted was, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

    I like Gin on the Rocks the best. The other titles seem either rather vague, or leave me a bit creeped out about the spiders.

    I also like the use of the word “assassin” in each title, but I’m wondering if there aren’t too many novels out there with the word assassin in them already.

    The way you play on the word “Gin” works for me.

  2. Jennifer Estep says:

    Keri — Me too. :joecool:

    Tia — Yeah, there probably are a lot of titles with the word “Assassin” in them already. But these are just preliminary ideas. It could end up being something else entirely …

  3. Jennifer Estep says:

    I’m not sure I get “Gin, No Assassination.”

    “Assassination Game” is interesting, but I think the word “Assassination” might be too long to put on a book cover. That’s one of the things they think about when deciding titles — how it will look on the cover.

    It seems to me like most titles feature fairly short words. And hey — I want my name to be as big as possible on the cover. 😎

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