Title update …

So the latest on the titles is that everyone seems to think using Spider or Spider’s in the titles is the best way to go (since my character goes by the moniker the Spider). Everyone think that gives off the appropriate cool, gritty, urban fantasy vibe. Here are some titles we’re now considering:

Spider’s Bite (or Spider Bite)

Spider’s Web (or Spider Web)

Kiss of the Spider

Too bad Along Came a Spider is already taken by James Patterson. 😎

Also, we’re thinking either calling it the Elemental Assassin series or a Gin Blanco book for the overall series title.

So which Spider titles do you guys like? What do you like for the series title? Share in the comments.

What’s that old adage about making sausage? Nobody wants to see you actually do it. This is kind of like that … 😉

7 Responses to “Title update …”

  1. nightdragon62 says:

    I like both of the first two titles. And The Elemental Assassin sounds great for the series title. I am eagerly looking forward to the first book’s release date.

    Good Luck!

  2. PurpleRanger says:

    Actually, you can’t copyright a title, so you could probably get away with KISS. As for DOES WHATEVER, most people would recognize it as an homage, so you could get away with it after you have had a couple of other books whose titles were similar homages.

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