‘Tis done … for now …

In between reading and watching the Olympics this weekend, I actually got some book stuff done and finished my second draft of Assassin 2.

And it’s a really good second draft. Much better than my normal craptastic second draft. Around 100,000 words, and it probably only needs some minor polishing and tweaking before I send it to my agent for her perusal.

After the long, painful, writing quagmire Assassin 1 has been, this book went really quickly. (I started it around the first of July.) It was one of the easiest books I’ve written in a while. Wheezley claims it’s because I already built the world/characters in Assassin 1. He might be right. I also think it’s because I got all excited and fired up after the revisions I did for Assassin 1 and wanted to keep going.

And because I’m completely anal and always like to go ahead and write the second book in a series, even if the first one hasn’t sold yet. Seriously, folks. I’m that deepy disturbed. 😎

Anyway, I’m going to play hooky the rest of the week. Read. Watch the Olympics. And do some lighter stuff like clean off my desk and update the Web site a bit. In the meantime, I thought I’d share the first few paragraphs from Assassin 2. Hope you enjoy!

“Freeze! Nobody move! This is a robbery!”

Wow. Three cliches in a row. Somebody was seriously lacking in the imagination department.

But the shouted cliches scared someone, who squeaked out a small scream. I sighed. Screams were always bad for business. Which meant I couldn’t ingore the trouble that had just walked into my restaurant — or deal with it the quick, violent way I would have preferred to. A silverstone knife through the heart is enough to stop most trouble in its tracks. Permanently.

So I pulled my gray gaze up from the oversized paperback copy of “The Odyssey” that I’d been reading to see what all the fuss was about.

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4 Responses to “‘Tis done … for now …”

  1. Amy says:

    Okay. How in the world can you do as much as you do? I’m lucky that the munchkin will let me get a shower in the morning, let alone have time for anything else! I am truly jealous. :green:

    I love the beginning and can’t wait to head to B&N and pick up my copy! Tell your people to hurry up and publish the first one and then quickly do the second. :biggrin:

  2. Jennifer Estep says:

    Tia — Gin is very blase about a lot of things, including killing people. But such is the thinking of a former assassin.

    Amy — Work and book stuff. That’s my life, which is how I can get stuff done. I think I will have some news soon … 😎

    Susan — Glad you liked it.

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