The Twelve Days of Bigtime prizes …

Speaking of prizes, here they are (these may change slightly as we get closer to the contest):

Day 1: Autographed copy of Hot Mama

Day 2: A $10 Amazon gift card

Day 3: Autopgrahed copy of Hot Mama

Day 4: A $10 Amazon gift card

Day 5: Autographed copies of Hot Mama and Karma Girl

Day 6: A $10 Amazon gift card

Day 7: A Karma Girl T-shirt

Day 8: Autographed copy of Hot Mama and a Rubik’s Cube item

Day 9: Autographed copy of Hot Mama and a Wonder Woman and Batman Pez dispenser with candy

Day 10: A $20 Amazon gift card

Day 11: Autographed copies of Hot Mama and Karma Girl, and a Karma Girl T-shirt

Day 12: The grand prize. Autographed copies of Karma Girl and Hot Mama; a Karma Girl T-shirt; a Wonder Woman Pez dispenser with candy; a Batman Pez dispenser with candy; a $50 Amazon gift card; a Rubik’s Cube item; and a partridge in a pear tree (okay, not really).

All prizes also come with Karma Girl and Hot Mama bookmarks. Not too shabby, huh? 😉

One Response to “The Twelve Days of Bigtime prizes …”

  1. ReadingIsSoMuchFun says:

    Hello Jennifer,

    WoW! Very nice prizes. I wouldn’t mind winning your books 😉 Good luck to everyone. I received your newsletter you will be very busy I see this month. Congratulations on the upcoming new release. Hot Mama sounds good and I love the cover. Thanks for sharing your recipe for Golden Raisin Bars sounds delicious will have to try this out 😉


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