That sound you hear …

I have some cool news to announce — the first three Elemental Assassin books are going to be turned into digital audio books. Huzzah!

The digital audio books are being done through Audible, which is part of Amazon. The way that I understand it, the audio books will be available for things like iPods and MP3 players. This is the first time that any of my books have been turned into audio books, and I think it will be really cool to hear Gin tell her story.

And before you ask, no, I’m not narrating the books myself. Believe me when I tell you that I don’t have the voice for that — people would cringe if they had to listen to my Southern hillbilly drawl for hours on end. LOL.

However, the folks at Audible and the book’s narrator have e-mailed me a few times about how I think the characters sound and for tips on pronunciation. I think it’s really cool that they’re asking for my input on things like that, and I appreciate being involved in the process.

I’m not sure when the audio books will be available. The narrator started recording a few weeks ago, but this is a new area for me, and I have no idea how long it takes to go from the recording studio to a finished audio book.

Anyway, I’ll let you know when I get more information. Right now, I’m doing the happy dance. 😉

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6 Responses to “That sound you hear …”

  1. Jennifer Rayment says:

    Congrats! Never really listened to books before, but might be a good idea as I can nautious on the bus in the summer when I read — but not in the winter — sorta strange. But this would be a great idea!

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