Summer lovin’ …

Now that we’re deep into July, there’s actually some stuff to watch on television again. Yeah!

I’m loving Project Runway, as always, and eager to see what kind of wacky challenges the designers are faced with. Although Suede, the guy who refers to himself in the third person, is a little over the top and strikes me as a Christian wannabe. Time will tell.

Then, there’s The Closer. Miss Brenda and company are back putting bad guys behind bars — and trying to resist the lure of all those tempting sweets. :scooby:

I’m also enjoying Burn Notice, although I’m not quite sure where the writers are going with the whole who-burned-Michael-and-why storyline. I like Michael better when he’s just helping people. But Bruce Campbell is always a hoot.

I’ve also been watching In Plain Sight, the program about the Witness Protection Program and a female marshall who’s great at her job, but not so good at relationships (yes, another cop who falls into that stereotype). It’s been okay so far, but it hasn’t hooked me like the other programs. And I like the marshall’s partner better than I like her.

What about you? What are you watching and loving this summer?

9 Responses to “Summer lovin’ …”

  1. PurpleRanger says:

    Besides the reruns of all three CSIs, NUMB3RS, and NCIS, I’m enjoying SWINGTOWN and FLASHPOINT. The latter has what may be one of the hottest ladies on primetime at the moment — Amy Jo Johnson. (And I think she would be good choice for Carmen.)

  2. Brian says:

    Amy Jo Johnson, I hadn’t even heard that she was back on TV. I hated her on Felicity, though to be fair I guess I hated Julie. I also hated Ben. Why couldn’t Felicity see that Ben was a giant loser?

    As for TV this summer it was been mostly BBC stuff. Doctor Who on Friday and Robin Hood on Saturday. Both are really good shows, and I feel sometimes that both are overlooked — Especially Robin Hood.

    Mad Men comes back this week, and I’m really looking forward to that.

  3. Jody W. says:

    Stargate Atlantis and Eureka on the SciFi channel. We also get a kick out of ABC Family’s new “The Middleman”. The humor is not unlike the Big Time series, but goofier.

  4. Jennifer Estep says:

    PurpleRanger — I’ve been catching the old (pre-Ziva) episodes of NCIS that I haven’t seen on the USA network. I’m interested to see how they bring Gibbs’ team back together in the fall.

    Brian — I only watched the first season of Felicity, but I never saw the appeal of Ben, either.

    Is Robin Hood really good? It’s one of my favorite stories, and I was thinking about buying the first season on DVD, since I don’t get BBC America.

    Jody — Goofier than Bigtime? Is that possible? 😎

  5. Jennifer Estep says:

    Jody — And one more thing, Eureka’s the show about the cute sheriff in the goofy town, right? I’ve always meant to catch that one too …

  6. Jody W. says:

    Yes, The Middleman is quite a bit goofier than Bigtime, but the same vein of humor. And you’re thinking of the right show with Eureka. Cute sheriff, town of genuises, not enough romance or nudity :). It’s not perfect, but what show is?

  7. Brian says:

    I think the casting of Robin Hood is great. Robin, the Sheriff, Marian, Little John, and Guy are perfect — Having said that — I wouldn’t tell you to buy it. Some shows just don’t work for some people, and I would think that $70 is a lot to put out for a show that you had never seen before.

  8. Jennifer Estep says:

    Hmm … I might have to give Eureka a try then. Sounds interesting. :joecool:

    Actually, I think the first season of Robin Hood is only like $30 or $40 on Amazon. I don’t think that’s too much to invest in it. Although if it was over $50, I might pass. We shall see …

    I’m also thinking about getting the first season of Wonder Woman with Lynda Carter. Yeah, I know it will be cheesy, but I remember loving it so much as a kid. :ww:

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