Sold, baby!

So I guess I can go ahead and announce this since it’s mentioned in the February issue of Romantic Times magazine.

I’ve sold books 4 and 5 in my Elemental Assassin urban fantasy series to my publisher, Pocket Books. Huzzah!

I’m super excited about this because my editor and all the other folks at Pocket have been absolutely great to work with. Plus, books 4 and 5 will let me finish out the first main story arc with Gin and her nemesis, which I hope will please readers.

Of course, I want to write more Gin books beyond these five, but that will depend on sales, like everything does in the book world.

At this point, I don’t know when books 4 and 5 will be out — I’m hoping both of them will be published in 2011, but we’ll see. In the meantime, there will be three Elemental Assassin books out in 2010, which will hopefully get folks hooked on the series. (Three weeks to Spider’s Bite!)

But for now, I’m doing the happy dance! 😉

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13 Responses to “Sold, baby!”

  1. Liz Kreger says:

    Congratulations, Jenn. That’s excitin’ news. I love it when a series that I’ve enjoyed is guaranteed to continue. I’ve read a couple where (for whatever reason) subsequent books in the series wasn’t published. Very disappointing.

  2. Jennifer Estep says:

    Thanks, Liz! I know what you mean about a series suddenly stopping. I’m really glad that I’m going to be able to finish out the first main story arc.

  3. Amy says:

    Jen, yes, the snow is out of control up here! about 3 feet now, with another foot expected tonight. Grumble. Why do people live here??

  4. Tamara says:

    I just got done with Karma girl and told my boyfriend the characters where way to rich to be in just ONE book. Found the other two on Amazon and got them ordered! Wish there was more!

    Looking forward to reading the new series as well though.

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