Recommendations, please …

I’m a little burned out reading paranormal romance and urban fantasy right now, so I’ve been thinking about picking up some romantic suspense, epic fantasy, and young adult books. I was wondering what books y’all would recommend in the genres. I’m especially interested in romantic suspense right now.

So far I’ve read and enjoyed Anne Stuart’s Ice series, and I plan on getting more of Roxanne St. Claire’s Bullet Catchers series (my review of the first book is coming soon). What else is out there? I’m looking for more action adventure-type stories than, say, FBI procedurals or serial killer stories. 

It’s been a while since I’ve read a really good epic fantasy. I’ve burned through most of the David Eddings and Terry Brooks’ various series, and I’ve read several books in Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth series.

As far as YA goes, I’ve read and enjoyed Rick Riordan’s The Lightning Thief and want to get more of the books in that series. But I’d be interested in both fantasy and non-fantasy YA.

Got a recommendation? Please share in the comments.

6 Responses to “Recommendations, please …”

  1. Edie says:

    If you decide to go for beautifully written historicals with mystery and a little romance, I recommend Deanna Raybourn’s books, Silent in the Grave and Silent in the Sanctuary. I ‘m reading the second book right now. She just won the Rita for best novel with strong romantic elements.

  2. PurpleRanger says:

    In the YA area, I would suggest Meg Cabot’s latest book, AIRHEAD. There’s one fantastic element in the plot, and it makes for an interesting twist.

    And I would also recommend David Weber’s “Honor Harrington” series. The first book in the series is ON BASILISK STATION, and you should definitely start with that book.

  3. Chasity says:

    I was going to recommend Meg Cabot’s Airhead, but PurpleRanger beat me to it. I finished this one last week, and liked it so much I added the sequel to my to buy list.

    I haven’t been able to find any fantasy’s lately that have kept my interest past the first chapter. I think it’s just my mood though.

    If you want some fun light reading, try Meg Cabot’s Queen of the Babble. Those are pretty good. I haven’t read the last one though, so I have no idea how that one goes. I do have a quibble with the 2nd one, but I’m waiting for the last one before I make my final judgment.

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