One super game …

So, I’m assuming just about everybody watched the Super Bowl last night. One of the best games I’ve seen in a long time. Congrats to the Giants, who just flat out-played the Patriots. The Giants wanted it more, and they earned it. How about that play in the fourth quarter where Eli avoids getting sacked and throws that big pass down the field? That’ll be on the highlight reels for a while.

Now, on to what really mattered — the commercials.

Overall, I was pretty underwhelmed by the commercials this year. It seemed to be the usual mix of car and beer commercials I’d already seen with nothing really funny or spectacular. But there were a few gems. Here are my favorites:

1) The Clydesdales. They always, always have the best commercials. This time, a horse who was passed over for the team got a dalmatian trainer and started working out for next year — all to the theme song from Rocky. Funny stuff.

2) The balloons. The commercial where Underdog and the other balloon chase the Coke through the New York skyline during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade was very sweet — especially since Charlie Brown finally gets the Coke at the end. :joe:

3) Iron Man. Among the movie commercials, this one looked the coolest (although the ones with Will Ferrell were funny, in a train-wreck sort of way).

And that’s about it. The commercial where the guys bring beer to the wine and cheese party was amusing enough. My significant other liked the Doritos commercial where the mouse busts out of the wall and starts beating on the guy with the Doritos. (Then again, my SO is fond of commercials where people get their ass kicked).

The car commercials were either boring or weird (like the one with the guy getting his head shrunk). And the rest of the beer commercials just sort of blurred together.

What about you? Which commercial was your favorite?

9 Responses to “One super game …”

  1. Louise B says:

    I watched the Super Bowl for the first 3 quarters and then gave up. I didn’t think either team played that well. (Yes, I know I missed the action in the fourth quarter, but I’m not upset about it.)

    My favorite commercial was the horse training to “Rocky.” My daughter and I had tears in our eyes at its end. It reminded us of the commercial a couple of years ago when the young horse tries to pull the big wagon by himself and two adult horses are behind pushing. An old man says to the dog, “I won’t tell if you won’t.” This year’s horse commercial ranked up there with that one.

    We laughed at the Doritos commercial, too. And the FedEx one with the birds.

    My favorite movie promo was for Prince Caspian, but that is probably influenced by the fact that I cannot wait to see it in May.

    Louise B

  2. Jennifer Estep says:

    I almost turned the game off when the Patriots scored with three minutes to go, but I’m glad I didn’t.

    The Clydesdales always have the best commercials. I still love the one where the horses are playing football and the “official” is a zebra. That’s probably my favorite Super Bowl commercial of all time. The one a few years ago where the little mule wanted to be a Clydesdale was funny and sweet, too. :wood:

    I’ve read all the Narnia books, but I haven’t seen the first movie yet (I was burned out on the Lord of the Rings movies at that point). I may have to check it out before the next one comes out, though.

  3. Liz Kreger says:

    I rarely watch football, but usually make it a point to see the SB. Yes, the commercials are part of the attraction, but I thought it was a hellava good game.

    The commercial I really liked was the one with the screaming critters. Goodrich tire … I think. I thought it was hilarious.

    Other than that (oh, and the Coke one with Charlie Brown), I was also rather underwhelmed. The one commercial that still stands out in my mind is one that was done a couple of years ago by Tabasco Sauce with the exploding mosquitos. I think I laughed for a week after that.

  4. Jennifer Estep says:

    Oh, I forgot about that the screaming critters. It was pretty funny, too. :bub:

    I remember the exploding mosquitos. That commercial sort of reminded me of the beer ones this year where the guy was breathing fire everywhere.

  5. Brian says:

    The only football I watched was Friday Night Lights. For some reason I care more about Matt, Tim, and Smash than I do Eli, Tom, and Randy.

  6. Edie says:

    I didn’t watch Super Bowl. I was at You Tube earlier tonight trying to find the Super Bowl commericals. Except for the Justin Timberlake commercial (which I think is new), they only had older ones. I did see the Clydesdale one on GMA, I think, and thought that was cute.

  7. Jennifer Estep says:

    How can you guys not watch the Super Bowl?! Not even a few minutes??

    Brian — I thought FNL started out a little slow, but it’s gotten better as the season has progressed. Too bad this week is the last new episode until the strike is over. 🙁

    Edie — I thought the Timberlake commercial was just okay. The horses were my favorites. They usually are. :joe:

  8. Brian says:

    On Sunday I watched Q and A on C-Span. The guest was Sudhir Venkatesh who is the author of “Gang Leader for a Day”. Then I watched The Wire, which had the best episode so far this season. So I’m more than happy with my night of television.

  9. Krystal says:

    i love the horses but i still miss the frogs my favorite commercial was the Justin Timberlake one. If all i had to do was drink pepsi and Justin would show up at my house i’d buy it by the case full. too bad i prefer coke.

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