One bionic season so far …

So, Brian asked about the fall TV season in another post. I’ve been pleasantly surprised so far. I’ve watched a lot of the new shows and my old favorites. Here’s what I think:


Bionic Woman: Na-na-na! Okay, I couldn’t resist. I really enjoyed this darker version of the campy TV show. The new Jamie Summers acted a little stiffly, but the chick from Battlestar Galactica made up for it as Psycho Bionic Woman. I always enjoy seeing Molly Price and Will Yun Lee, and the mythology has the potential to be really interesting. Don’t care too much about the sister at this point, though. But it looks promising, and I’ll keep watching.

Chuck: It’s a spy show, which I am predisposed to like. Not nearly as cool and clever as Alias, but more lightweight fun. I really liked the main character, who is a geek without being overly bumbling, and Adam Baldwin was cool as the trigger-happy badass. I’ll keep watching.

Dirty Sexy Money: I watched this on the spur-of-the-moment, and I’m glad I did. Oh, those Darlings. They are the most dysfunctional family I’ve seen on TV in quite some time. This has the potential to be a dark, quirky soap opera. And how cool were the ring tones on the laywer’s phone for each twisted family member? This was one of the best pilots of the year. I hope it lasts.

Moonlight: I watched this mainly because Jason Dorhing from Veronica Mars was recently added to the cast (and Marshall from Alias guested as a cameraman in the pilot). Not the worst thing I’ve seen, but not the best either. Give me more Jason, or I’ll soon be tuning out.

Reaper: This was fairly entertaining (Ray Wise as the Devil is a hoot). The sidekick best friend got on my nerves, though. And I wonder how many similiar-themed paranormal shows the CW can put on before viewers get tired of them. I’ll probably give it a few more episodes to see if it really hooks me. (Although it’s in Veronica Mars’ old time slow. Oh, the pain of no new VW. The pain!) 


CSI: So, they didn’t kill Sara, but she’s still leaving the show. Did anyone else wonder why she walked away from the car wreck instead of just staying put? Still, this was one of the best CSI episodes in quite some time, right up there with the two-parter where Nick was buried alive (my all-time favorite). Still, I’m a little disappointed in how they wrapped up the miniature killer. I wanted her to have more of a motivation other than just being crazy.

Grey’s Anatomy: The tone was lighter than the finale, which was good. But enough of George and Izzie already. I did like seeing the interns graduate and become teachers rather than just grunts. And please, please just let Meredith and Derek be happy for a while. Still, better than last year. So far. And give me more Eric Dane!

Heroes: I didn’t think much happened in the first episode, and it felt more like a set-up for things to come. Although Mr. Bennett was hysterical when he strong-armed his obnoxious boss at the copy store. David Anders as Hiro’s, well, hero was pretty funny too. He looks much taller than he did on Alias. The Peter-has-amnesia storyline could be really good or really bad. I’ll hold my tongue now. The new brother and sister characters didn’t really grab my attention that much. And am I the only one who wants Mama Petrelli to bite it before the season’s over with? And when is Kristen Bell showing up? Give me my Kristen Bell!

How I Met Your Mother: This is one of the funniest shows on TV. Neil Patrick Harris is hysterical and sooo got robbed of the Emmy last month. The premiere was excellent, as usual.

Prison Break: So, it’s not the most realistic show on TV, but it’s cheesy action fun, which I always enjoy. Although Michael’s love interest is supposedly not returning to the show, which really sucks. Still, I’m interested to see what happens — and I wonder if this is the last year. Given Fox’s lack of hits, I’m guessing probably not. We’ll see.


What to watch on Monday nights: I already like Prison Break and HIMYMother. But Chuck comes on at the same time too. Decisions, decisions …

Which shows to drop: I think I’m about done with Without a Trace, CSI: Miami, and NCIS. They just don’t wow me any more.

(Yes, I watch way too much TV. I should be doing something more productive, like writing). 😉

What about you? Which new shows are you digging? Which do you think are headed for the chopping block? Inquiring minds want to know …

10 Responses to “One bionic season so far …”

  1. Brian says:

    I just don’t get a Vampire not being killed by the sun, maybe Moonlight isn’t the best title for the show. I also didn’t like the fact he seems to run like Flash. However I did like the cast and the setup with the students.

    Reaper had a little of the Ghostbusters vibe, I’m looking forward to more episodes.

    Of the nine new shows I’ve planned to sample, — Pushing Daisies on Wednesday is last on my list — I haven’t hated any of them. I love the start of the new fall season, and I think this year has been fine so far. Not great, but certainly not bad.

  2. Becky says:

    Hi Jennifer, I totally love Chuck! I watched it again last night and I think it is hilarious. I also love Heros but can’t seem to stay awake during it. I don’t know if it is the show or me. Have you watched Bones? I think it is one of my all time favorite shows. Have you read any of the books from which the show is based on? I am really interested in reading them. I started watching old Angel reruns because of it and have fallen in lust with David B (don’t tell my husband). Happy T.V. watching. P.S. Can’t wait for Jericho to return!

  3. Amy says:

    Bones is a good show and the books they are based on are GREAT! The books get very techy from the medical examiner’s perspective and sometimes float over to French phrases, but not so much that it is overwhelming.

    Beware: there are some similarities between the show and the books and there are VAST differences. The show is based on a mix of the books and the author, Kathy Reichs’, life. Basically, the main character’s name and profession are taken from the books, but that’s about it.

    And that’s our book review of the day from our friendly, neighborhood librarian, who doesn’t get to watch TV anymore due to taking a second job as a night librarian. Sigh. I miss TV!

  4. Jennifer Estep says:

    Brian — The sunlight thing didn’t bother me. In fact, I’m using a similar sort of thing in my urban fantasy. In my book, sunlight doesn’t kill vamps. Neither does garlic or crosses. But stakes through the heart still work. 😈

    I think Moonlight has some potential, but I thought the pilot was pretty average. I guessed the teaching assistant was the killer about twenty minutes in. And I thought it was kind of sloppy to have Mick reveal his true nature to the professor, especially when Jason Dorhing was stressing the importance of secrecy.

    Becky — I totally agree. Chuck is hilarious. I really like the main character and Adam Baldwin as the semi bad guy. 😎

    I tried to watch Bones when it first came on, but I didn’t really get into it. Every once in a while, I’ll watch a rerun. But Angel, oh Angel. That was a show I loved. Someone told me Whedon is going to do an Angel comic book a la the current Buffy series. I hope so.

    I read one of the Kathy Reichs books based on Amy’s recommendation. I liked it, but Amy’s right. There are lots of differences between Bones and the book.

    Amy — A second job?? But you’re the boss lady during the day! What’s up with that?

  5. Edie says:

    I liked Chuck and will probably watch it. I still love Heroes though. I didn’t know Kristin Bell was coming on it. That will be great!

    I loved PUSHING DAISIES. I think it’s very much a writer’s show. A quirky writer. :ww: I’ll have to catch HIMYM and try it.

  6. Jennifer Estep says:

    Hi, Edie. I really liked Chuck too. Heroes has been a little slow so far this season. I almost think they have too many characters to try to squeeze into one hour! 😯

    Pushing Daisies was pretty cool, but it didn’t really grab me. I just wonder how the main relationship between Ned and Chuck can ever be fulfilled since he can never touch her again. I think the writers have painted themselves into a corner with that premise. But the visuals were stunning.

  7. Brian says:

    Except for the narration, Pushing Daisies had a wonderful pilot. Many shows use a narrator – Gossip Girls with Kristen Bell for example – But I can’t remember another drama using a narrator that much. With a show that looks that great, Show me – Don’t tell me.

    The big bads are creatures of the night. Vampires should not be walking around during the day. They should be at home watching Passions and reruns of Dawson’s Creek.

  8. Jennifer Estep says:

    Brian — Yeah, the narrator got kind of annoying with the 32 years, 27 weeks, 3 minutes, and 57 seconds updates for every single character. A little narrator goes a long way, especially when they have a booming voice like that guy does.

    If you want big, bad vampires, you should check out the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by JR Ward. Or The Hollows series by Kim Harrison. They do big, bad vampires very well.

    I always imagined vampires would watch reruns of Beauty and the Beast. Or The A-Team. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. 😎

  9. Jennifer Estep says:

    Purple Ranger — Supposedly, Speedle is a figment of Delko’s imagination — leftover trauma from getting shot in the head last year. I guess we’ll see tonight! 😎

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