Oh, crap …

So Wheezley and I saw Hellboy 2 this weekend. He wanted to see it, so I caught the first Hellboy on cable last week, and we went to the theater on Saturday. 

One of the best things Hellboy 2 has going for it is the scenery. It’s really visually cool. Even better, the graphics/characters don’t look fake at all. Rather, it’s like you stepped into some sort of fairy tale painting. Everything was very well done, even this plant monster thing like looked like broccoli.

The movie was also really funny in places, especially when Hellboy and Abe (the fish-looking guy) get drunk in a library and start singing along to I Can’t Smile Without You (which I can’t get out of my head now). And Ron Perlman was great as Hellboy, especially when he mutters his famous catchphrase: “Oh, crap …”

As far as the plot goes, the prince of the elves kills his father and a bunch of humans in order to get his hands on the pieces of a magical crown that will let him control the indestructible Golden Army. The prince basically wants to wipe out the humans and take control of the earth. But his twin sister has the final piece of the crown, and Hellboy and his crew step in to protect her and stop the prince. All of this leads to some really cool set pieces and characters (including a goblin with a wheelbarrow attached to him) and a pretty good fight scene at the end.

This is definitely a movie for fantasy/comic book lovers — the creatures, the settings, the magic. If you don’t like all those sorts of things, you’re probably not going to enjoy it. You probably need to see the first movie too. But overall, Hellboy 2 is a solid fantasy flick. Thumbs up.

Did anybody brave the crowds to see The Dark Knight? That’s next on my list to watch … :batman:

5 Responses to “Oh, crap …”

  1. Jody W. says:

    My sis went to the TDK and loved it! I don’t know if I’ll get to see it on the big screen or not. We end up buying all the comic book movies, anyway.

  2. Jennifer Estep says:

    I’m jealous! I really want to see it. All the reviews I’ve read have been raving about how good it is. Besides, it has Christian Bale in it. I can definitely sit in the dark and stare at him for two hours. :scooby:

  3. Chasity says:

    We braved the drive in this weekend for triple feature weekend. First up was Journey to the Middle of the Earth – eh, had I not have been waiting in line for food for 45 mins, I would have been upset I wasted my time with that one.

    The Dark Knight was the second movie. It was great. Heath Ledger as the Joker was excellent. I don’t want to give any plot points away, but I will say when you watch it look for the Joker’s “magic trick”.

    And last was Get Smart. I always loved the tv show, and the movie didn’t disappoint. It was just right. Funny and entertaining 🙂

  4. Jennifer Estep says:

    I thought the previews for Journey looked really cheesy. I’d rather see Mummy 3 if I have to watch a Brendan Fraser flick.

    Now, I really want to see Dark Knight. Maybe this weekend … :batman:

    I thought Get Smart was pretty good. Steve Carell was hilarious in places.

  5. Chasity says:

    Journey = the big cheese.

    Go see Dark Knight!

    Get Smart was cute and funny. I loved the phone shoe!

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