Monday Morning Mailbag: More about Capture the Crown …


Question: Why are you writing about Gemma Ripley instead of Everleigh Blair in your new Gargoyle Queen series? Will you be writing more books about Evie, Paloma, etc.?

Answer: Writing about Gemma instead of Evie was a creative and business/publishing decision on my part.

After I finished Crush the King, Crown of Shards #3, I sent my agent/editor several ideas for more books/novellas set in my Crown of Shards world — another trilogy about Evie; a novella about Paloma/Xenia; a flashback book about Serilda/Cho when they were younger; etc.

Out of all my ideas, my editor liked the proposal about a grown-up Gemma the best, and it was the book/idea that was the clearest in my mind in terms of plot, characters, etc. So that’s what I decided to write.

But it was also partly a business/publishing decision. Publishers can be funny, especially when it comes to book series. Many publishers want an author to write a series as long as the new and backlist books keep selling well — but at the same time, publishers also want to attract NEW readers to that author/series.

This is where the spinoff series often comes in. A spinoff series can be a way for readers to try a new author/world without those readers feeling like they have to read 3, 5, 7, or more books in the original series in order to understand what’s going on.

For example, some people will pick up Capture the Crown and then (hopefully) go back and read the original Crown of Shards trilogy. Other folks will read the Crown of Shards trilogy first, then read Capture the Crown. Either way, my publisher — and me! — want to sell as many copies of ALL the books/series as possible.

I would like to write some more books about Evie, etc. I think an Evie/Maeven novella where the two enemies have to team up in order to survive would be particularly fun.

But like many things in publishing, it all comes down to sales. If Capture the Crown sells well, then I will probably get to write more books in my Shards world. I already have an idea for a trilogy about a different character. But if Capture the Crown doesn’t sell well, then I might not get to write more in the Shards world. We’ll see what happens.

In the meantime, Capture the Crown starring Gemma Ripley will be out on July 6.





Bestselling author Jennifer Estep returns to her Crown of Shards world with an all-new trilogy and a bold new heroine who protects her kingdom from magic, murder, and mayhem by moonlighting as a spy.

Gemma Ripley has a reputation for being a pampered princess who is more interested in pretty gowns, sparkling jewelry, and other frivolous things than learning how to rule the kingdom of Andvari. But her carefully crafted persona is just an act to hide the fact that Gemma is a powerful mind magier – and a spy. 

Gemma is undercover, trying to figure out who is stealing large amounts of tearstone from one of the Ripley royal mines when she encounters Prince Leonidas Morricone of Morta – her mortal enemy. Gemma tries to steer clear of the handsome prince, but when she finds herself behind enemy lines, she reluctantly joins forces with Leo. Also coming to Gemma’s aid is Grimley, her beloved gargoyle.

Despite the fact that Andvari and Morta are old, bitter enemies, a dangerous attraction sparks between Gemma and Leo. Further complicating matters is Leo’s murderous family, especially Queen Maeven Morricone, the mastermind behind the infamous Seven Spire massacre.

The closer Gemma gets to the stolen tearstone, the more deadly plots she uncovers. Everyone is trying to capture the crown, but only one queen can sit on the throne …

Note: Gemma Ripley was first introduced in Kill the Queen, book #1 in my original Crown of Shards series. Gemma was 12 years old then; in the new series, she is 29 years old. Some of the characters from my original Crown of Shards will make cameo appearances in the new series, but this is very much Gemma’s story.

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2 Responses to “Monday Morning Mailbag: More about Capture the Crown …”

  1. Rikard Gustafsson says:

    I am really looking forward to reading more about Gemma, even though she didn’t have that big of a role in Evie’s story I really liked her character.

    Now I have a question, you say that one of the biggest reasons you are writing a spin off about Gemma is for sales and depending on the sales of Capture the Crown you may be able to write more stories in this world but does this mean that the entire Gemma trilogy may never be released if the first book doesn’t sell well?

    • Jennifer says:

      Thanks! I appreciate that. Hope you enjoy the book. 🙂

      I’m contracted to write a new trilogy about Gemma so all three books in that series will be released. I was talking about writing a third trilogy in the Crown of Shards world. Basically, if Capture the Crown and the other Gemma books do well, then I will probably get to write another trilogy/more books in the Shards world.

      Hope that answers your question. Thanks!

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