Just a reminder …

That I’ll be doing a Q&A on writing and signing books tonight, April 13, starting at 7 p.m. at the Bristol Public Library in Bristol, Va. The event should last about an hour or so and is part of the library’s celebration of National Library Week, April 12-18.

Even if you can’t come to my event, I hope you’ll go to your local library this week and check out all the wonderful books and programs that the library has to offer. And be sure to tell your librarians how awesome they are. Because they really do rock.

Especially you, Super-Librarian Amy! :ww:

7 Responses to “Just a reminder …”

  1. PurpleRanger says:

    I’m at one of the branches of the library almost every day. And my local SF club meets at the branch closest to where I live, and our monthly meeting is this Saturday.

  2. Amy says:

    Thank you so much! I love my loud library and love to have people using it in it’s many ways. (Sadly, this year I’m being a NLW slacker. We had little to no response last year, so we are taking a year off to regroup.)

    And to all the authors out there: I love having authors hock their wares and chat up the patrons. Maybe your librarians do, too? If anyone finds themselves in the great, white north, feel free to come by!

  3. Jennifer Estep says:

    No NLW programs? For shame! Just kidding. I know how busy the library keeps you.

    Perhaps I will get back up your way someday … when I become the next Stephanie Meyer. Ha! Not holding my breath on that one … 😎

  4. Brian says:

    I try to make it to the library every week. If for no other reason I get to pretend to be Giles for a few minutes.

    Since you are a published author now, do you go to book signings for other authors? The only book signing I’ve ever been to was for David Baldacci — who by the way was very nice — Which brings me to my other question — What is the best book signing you have ever been to?

  5. Jennifer Estep says:

    Oh, yeah, I still go to signings. There are tons of authors I’d love to meet. That’s one of the things that’s so hard about going to conferences and signing books myself — I rarely have time to just walk around and meet everyone that I’d like to.

    I don’t know what the best signing I’ve ever been to is. Just for the sheer awe factor, I’d say the big group signings at the RT and RWA conventions. You’ve got something like 500 authors signing at one time at those. It’s an impressive sight. Noisy too! :bubbles:

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