Dragging along …

Does anybody else feel really draggy and lethargic today? Or is it just me? The spring time change always messes with me, especially this year, since it’s so, so early. There’s still a week of winter left, but now, it’s going to be daylight until eight o’clock. It just seems wrong.

Or maybe I’m feeling tired because I’ve been sick for the last week. Seriously sick. Coughing, sneezing, my-fever’s-so-high-it-feels-like-my-eyeballs-are-on-fire sick. I was so sick and looked so bad my significant other told me I resembled a reanimated corpse. A reanimated corpse — yep, that’s just the thing a gal wants to hear from her honey. On the bright side, I suppose the phrase dead sexy could also have been applied to me — with more emphasis on the dead part. 😉

Whether it’s the time change or not, all I want to do is curl up in bed and sleep for a week. But I’ve got Jinx copy edits to work on and mail back this week, along with half a dozen other things I need to do. Ah, the glamorous life of an author.

4 Responses to “Dragging along …”

  1. Liz Kreger says:

    Yuk. Sorry to hear you’ve been sick, Jenn. That totally sucks. However, I nearly blew tea out of my nose over the “reanimated corpse” comment. 😆 That was too funny.

  2. Edie says:

    Glad you’re feeling better. When I read your SO’s “reanimated corpse” other, I thought, “Hmmm. I could use that in dialogue.” 😈 Nothing is safe from me. Like the “dead sexy” phrase too.

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