Done … for now …

So I’m back at the day job this week. But I actually did get a few things done while I was off last week. Namely, I finished revising the Spy book and sent that to my agent. Huzzah! Now, let’s just hope she thinks it has some potential. Fingers crossed on that one.

And, yes, I got my house clean too. We’ll see how long that lasts, though. 😈

And I finally decided on how I want to proceed with Quiver, the young-adult fantasy that I’m writing. My heroine is going to be a Robin Hood-type outlaw who gets mixed up in a plot to kill a queen. It’s very much going to be a fairy tale, action fantasy with lots of battles. Swords, sorcery, a cute prince. All the things I love about the genre, with a hefty dose of girl power thrown in. :ww:

I’m not sure if this is necessarily the right direction to go with the book, but I’m having fun writing it so far, which is always important. Because if I’m not having fun, it pretty much means that what I’m writing sucks out loud. At least, that’s my general rule of thumb. Anyway, I’ll keep you guys posted on how it’s going. If I can figure out how to do it without screwing up the blog format, I’ll post the first chapter here on the blog for you to read.

What about you guys? Anyone working on anything interesting? Share in the comments.

5 Responses to “Done … for now …”

  1. David Faulkner says:

    I’m working on something interesting. I’m reading! And I’ve got three books that I just can’t put down, one of which is yours. I’m reading the second in your Bigtime Series to my wife, who is visually impaired, and we’re loving the series.

    The second book I’m reading is a zombie novel with a whole new twist on the genre that I don’t want to share and thus spoil, it’s called Patient Zero and is written by Jonathan Maberry.

    The third book, possibly going to be made into a TV show, is called Flash Forward and is written by Robert J Sawyer. In it people get a glimpse of their lives 20 years in the future and the ramifications of that future glimpse.

  2. Jennifer Estep says:

    Thanks! That’s nice of you to say. :bubbles:

    I’ve heard of both of the other books. I’m not much on zombies, but Flash Forward sounds really interesting — kind of like Lost.

  3. nightdragon62 says:

    I am glad you had a productive week. I look forward to hearing more about Quiver. As I wrote before Robin Hood is one of my favorite heroes. I look forward to reading your version. I hope the vacation-lag treats you lightly as you head back to work.

  4. Jennifer Estep says:

    The vacation-lag isn’t getting to me so much as the time change. Once again, it’s pitch black when I get up to go to work in the morning. I hate that. Grr … :hulk:

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