Baby, it’s cold outside …

It was a whopping 11 degrees when I left my house to go to work this morning. I know that’s nothing compared to up north, but 11 degrees is pretty chilly for my neck of the Southern woods.

All week long, I’ve been playing a new game — how many layers of clothes can Jen put on? Today, the answer is five. Long underwear, jeans, a camisole, more long underwear, and a turtleneck sweater. This doesn’t count my jacket, purple toboggan, gloves, socks, and boots. I look … puffy. And my hair is a disaster from the toboggan.

I’m considering going to Wal-Mart, buying a pair of cheap gloves, cutting the fingertips out of them hobo-style, and wearing them to work — so I can still type and keep my hands moderately warm. My hands are always cold. My significant other says I have ghoul touch and accuses me of sucking his precious body heat. This, from the man who uses his cats to warm his bed at night.

Good times. 🙄

Hey Amy, Susan, and Edie — what’s the weather like where y’all live? Stay warm and stay safe!

10 Responses to “Baby, it’s cold outside …”

  1. Amy says:

    Freakin cold! That’s what our weather is like! Actually, I think we were warmer than you today. It was a balmy 18 this morning. The snow is piled high and the sky is an unpleasant shade of gray. They don’t call this Dreary Erie for nothing!

    Oddly enough, with as cold as it is right now, it is supposed to be near 60 on Monday. Go figure.

  2. Edie says:

    We’re in a warming trend after going through a freezing period. I think it got into the 30s today.

    One of the furnaces in the law office where Liz Kreqer works went out last Friday. She bought cheap gloves from a nearby pharmacy and cut the tips off, just like you said. On Monday she brought in a space heater. The heater is fixed now. 😀

  3. Jennifer Estep says:

    Amy — So how long has it been since you’ve seen the bare, snow-free ground? A month now? It’s also supposed to warm up here this week. They’re predicting 60 degrees by Monday or Tuesday. 😎

    Chasity — I thought about the pre-cut gloves, but doesn’t the flap get in your way? I think it would annoy me.

    I’ve got no problem with being country.
    My significant other frequently describes me as a “bright-eyed country pixie.” I don’t know about the pixie part, but the rest fits. 😉

    Edie — I feel Liz’s pain. The heating system at my newspaper sucks. Usually, it’s 50 degrees inside (even in the winter). I have to wear a jacket inside all summer long. Sometimes, it’s so cold that by the time I go home my toes are purple if I’m wearing sandals.

    Or when the system totally breaks, it will overheat to like 85 degrees. And we’re not allowed to bring in heaters or fans. I think they’re afraid the wiring is so old that the whole place will go up in flames. 🙄

  4. Chasity says:

    Jen the flap doesn’t get in the way, since there is a button you can attach it to.

    Nothing wrong with being country, I think I’m probably more country than you. Hell, I grew up in a holler and our favorite activity was catching crawdads in the creek.:???:

  5. Jennifer Estep says:

    Chasity — Ah, I see about the flap. I may have to check those out.

    I don’t know about that. I spent many, many summer days playing in the creek with my cousins and catching crawdads. One summer we dammed up a section of the creek with rocks to make a swimming pool, which was really cool — except for the leeches. They got all over us. Yuck! 😕

  6. Amy says:

    The ground without snow?? Nope, can’t remember when we last saw that. Unfortunately, this time of year, we’d almost rather the snow stick around. When it melts, all we have left is mud and yuck. I love Erie!

  7. Chasity says:

    Ah, we didn’t have to damm up a section of the creek ourselves, someone had done that years ago way before us. Since I don’t swim, I wouldn’t even attempt to get in it. Yuck. If the water was above my calves, there was no going in for me.

  8. Jennifer Estep says:

    Amy — Snow would be preferably to mud. Nick says you’re coming to town next weekend. We must beat the boys at Trivial Pursuit! 😈

    Chasity — I didn’t know how to swim either until my cousins built a pool next to the creek. After that, we were more interested in swimming than catching crawdads. 😉

  9. Amy says:

    Let the Trivial Domination begin!!!! Plus, I have a “helper brain” who happens to also be female, so we can outnumber the boys without them even knowing!!! 😈 (And she’s going to be smart, too. Did you read the article about curvy women having smart children? She’s going to be a freakin’ genious!!!)

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