Anticipation …

I can’t remember which blog I saw this on, but not too long ago, I read a post where someone said that buying a book is actually better than reading it.

I think that person was onto something.

I love going to the bookstore to browse through all the newest releases, I’ve got a long, long list of Amazon pages bookmarked on my computer, and I read most of the reviews in Romantic Times every month looking for new books. I eagerly await the release date of books by my favorite authors, and I usually buy a book that I’m looking forward to the first week that it comes out.

But sometimes, once I get that much-anticipated book, it sits in my TBR pile for weeks … if not months. For example, I got Catching Fire and Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins back in August … and I have yet to read them.

Hangs head in shame.

Why do I do this? Well, if I’m on deadline, stuffing envelopes, or whatever, sometimes I just don’t have time to stop and read a book. Other times, I’m in the middle of a book already or have something else that I need to read first. Sometimes, I’m just not in the mood to read.

So why do I go ahead and buy the book anyway, even though I know I may not get to it for awhile? I blame the anticipation factor. There’s something about picking up a book with a cool cover, being intrigued by the cover blurb, and bringing that book home from the store.

Just holding a new book in my hand fills me with anticipation. Maybe I’ll discover a great new author, maybe the book will be the perfect blend of romance and adventure, maybe I’ll fall in love with the characters, maybe it will be the best book I’ve read all year, maybe the writing will be so great that I’ll wish I could write something half as good.

Maybe … maybe I need some serious help when it comes to my book addiction. LOL.

What about you guys? Do you think the anticipation of a good read is better than actually reading a book?


32 Responses to “Anticipation …”

  1. Laurel says:

    Ha! I love the anticipation part! Mainly because it lasts so much longer than the actual book.

    I don’t buy books before I plan to read them, though, because I obviously do not have as much discipline as you. I have a long and sordid history of reading to my detriment. There might be a huge test the next day, hungry kids, not one clean article of clothing in the house, or an appointment with a foreign dignitary and if I have a book I’m excited about or into that is all I do until it’s finished. And then I might go reread the good parts.

    It’s a sickness, really.

    • Jennifer Estep says:

      That’s true too. LOL.

      Oh, I don’t think I have any discipline at all when it comes to buying books. Even though I have about 10 to read right now, I’m still planning to get the new Kresley Cole and Jeaniene Frost books in February.

      It is a sickness, but a good one to have, I think. πŸ˜‰

  2. Shannon says:

    I love going to the bookstore and picking out something and starting to read the first few pages on the way home; don’t worry, my husband is driving in that scenario! Lately though, my addiction has been getting books in the mail. I love going to the mailbox and finding a book! I won a contest from another blog and I won signed copies of The Iron King and The Iron Daughter. It was like finding GOLD in my mailbox! I think I might be addicted to that. I currently have about 10 book that I have bought and not been able to read yet. So sad! I can not read fast enough!

    • Jennifer Estep says:

      Me too. Browsing through the bookstore, even if I don’t end up buying anything, is one of my favorite things to do.

      Oh, yes. I love getting boxes from Amazon — especially when I get free shipping. LOL. I read The Iron King a few weeks ago and thought it was really done. I’m looking forward to reading the rest of that series … after I whittle down the TBR pile a little bit.

  3. Aimee says:

    I love getting new books! I’m the same way, I buy them and then they can sit on my shelf (or in my kindle) for weeks/months before I get around to getting them. It’s like a runners high, I get that thrill when I get the book but then life gets in the way and time goes by and I still haven’t read it. Since I’m always on the look out for great books (and freebies on the kindle) I can get a massive pile on my wishlist before I realize that there is no way I can possibly get to them all when I buy them.

    • Jennifer Estep says:

      I know what you mean. I’ve got about 20 books at Amazon bookmarked, and I have to stop myself from going over there and ordering some of them since I have quite a few books at home to read first. LOL.

      But there are a couple of books coming out in February that I really want (especially Kresley Cole’s new book), so I may give in and indulge myself just a little bit … πŸ˜‰

      • Aimee says:

        I keep a list going in my day planner of the books that I absolutely NEED that I know I will get to right away, and the rest usually gets tossed to the back burner.

        But once I get a book, it’s like, well I have it, I can read it anytime I want… but this one that I don’t have! Look how amazing it looks! There is no hope for me.

  4. Amy says:

    Imagine being the one who purchases books from the library! With every box that comes in, I find at least 3 books that go on my TBR list. (Yes, the list got so long I had to start a spreadsheet to keep track of the ones I’ve read and the ones I want to read.)

    And don’t get me started on my trips to the bookstore! My poor husband must think I’m crazy!

    • Jennifer Estep says:

      I can only imagine how many great-looking books you come across every day. I’d probably spend more time looking at the books than I would working. LOL.

      Hope Alex and Rhegan are doing well. Got your Terrible Towel ready for Sunday? πŸ˜‰

      • Amy says:

        Oh, yes! The Towel is ready! I’ve had to keep it in an undisclosed location all week so Alex wouldn’t hide it or otherwise deface it. (He hates the Steelers)

        We’re coming down at the end of the month. I’ll email you and let you know what weekend. Maybe we can get together?

    • Aimee says:

      I’ve tried the spreadsheet, but I can’t get it organized in a way I like. I would be in heaven in a library opening all those boxes!

  5. Jill says:

    I do this all the time! It almost makes me feel guilty to see the books sitting unread on my shelf because it was money spent that didn’t need to be, but it is so exciting to hold new books!

    • Jennifer Estep says:

      I know. Sometimes, I think I should request more books from the library. It usually takes the library several weeks to get something in, which at least gives me a chance to whittle down my TBR pile in the meantime. LOL.

  6. Natascha says:

    Oh good, I am not the only one that hasn’t read MOCKINGJAY, yet I bought the book in August, two days after giving birth. I just had to hold it, feel it, smell it. Ah, the rush. Now, I won’t read it, because that means the trilogy is truly over. So sad.

    I love going to the store and buying books, but what makes the trip extra special is when I get to use a coupon and my store membership card to get extra discount. Loves it!

    • Jennifer Estep says:

      Nope, I haven’t even read Catching Fire yet. Soon, I hope.

      Oh, yes. Coupons are my other obsession. Especially when I can get 25 percent off — on top of my regular 10 percent bookstore discount. πŸ˜‰

  7. Amy A says:

    Honestly it’s so nice to see this blog post because I think my fiance was starting to think I was the only one with this problem. I love going to the book store and looking around even if I don’t buy something. But I too have quite a few books on my shelf that I just had to buy when they were released even though I haven’t gotten around to reading them yet. It truly is the anticipation of knowing a book that you want is coming out soon and waiting for it, and then one day it’s avaiable and real and you can hold it. It’s a great feeling I think! πŸ™‚ It’s made even better when you end up absolutely loving the book you were anticipating for days, weeks, months, or sometimes longer.

    • Jennifer Estep says:

      Oh, my significant other thinks I’m crazy too since we go to the bookstore practically every weekend. LOL.

      A great read is what makes it all worthwile. I love closing a book and smiling because I loved the characters and stories so much. That’s the feeling I hope folks get when they read one of my books. Well, that and maybe they’re a little hungry from reading about what Gin’s cooking up at the Pork Pit … πŸ˜‰

  8. Indigo says:

    I think obtaining and hoarding books is almost like a security blanket. Knowing they’re there – waiting to be read is comforting.

    For me I grew up in a home where reading and owning books was almost alien. I can’t imagine not having a vast library today. There is something enpowering about being able to buy a new book, whether you need another or not. (Hugs)Indigo

    • Jennifer Estep says:

      I agree. I like knowing that I can go grab a romance, thriller, young adult novel or whatever else I’m in the mood to read from my TBR pile. And hey — buying a paperback is cheaper than going to the movies. πŸ˜‰

  9. PurpleRanger says:

    Anticipation — that was the 2009 Worldcon.


    Jennifer, you would not believe the size of my TBR pile. I’m not even sure how many things are in it.

    And you only go to the bookstore once a week?

  10. Michele Rioli says:

    Yes, I am with the majority here; the anticipation, the thrill of the hunt, oohing and aahing over the pretty covers, and getting sucked in to the fabulous stories! Love it all! Yes, I hoard books too! I have over 500 in my TBR pile. I have a wonderful revolving shelving unit that holds them all, thanks to my hubby!

    Great blog post Jennifer!

    • Jennifer Estep says:

      500 books? Wow! I wish I had room for that many books in my house. Sadly, I have one little bookcase and that’s it. Maybe someday when I win the lottery, I’ll have a house with a real library. Wouldn’t that be nice?

      Glad you liked the post.

  11. Sal says:

    Oh my…GOD. That is me down to the letter. Only I’ve had books sitting in my piles for years that I haven’t cracked. It’s gotten so bad that my TBR pile took up most of the space in my basement…my family made me give 80% to used bookstores. =( That hurt a lot and now I’m slowly starting it up again >_< Ugh!

    What's worse is…if I read one book by an author and I love it, I run out, get all his/her other books and they sit there unread.

    • Jennifer Estep says:

      I blame it on the book covers. They’re all so new and shiny and tempting sitting there on the shelf in the store. LOL. No matter how many books you have at home, surely it can’t hurt to get just one more … πŸ˜‰

  12. Teresa E says:

    OMG too funny…. I have the same problem. Everytime I’m in the bookstore I walk out with something…I can’t help it! LOL Then when the new books come out I buy them as well. Currently my TBR pile is a WHOLE BOOKSHELF!! Like over 500 books…I must be crazy. hahahaha! I may never ever get to all of them, LOL!! I’ve also now got my mom hooked ~evil grin~ but she is smart…she bought a Kindle and doesn’t have her books take up a whole room!! πŸ™‚

    • Jennifer Estep says:

      That’s one reason why I don’t have an e-reader. I don’t think I could stop myself from ordering books if I knew I could get them at that exact moment. At least with paper books, I still have to schlep out to the bookstore to pick them up. LOL.

  13. Teresa E says:

    Yeah like where is the fun in that? I would rather go to the book store and browse for a book…read the back, etc. One of my favorite things to do when I’ve got some time to kill. πŸ™‚

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