Summer fun …

Holy summer, Batman! :batman:

Can you guys believe it’s almost Memorial Day? With the longer days and lack of good TV to watch (except for The Closer and Burn Notice, which I am eagerly awaiting), I tend to be more productive in the summer as far as writing goes.

I thought I’d share some of the stuff I’d like to accomplish this summer — or at least by the end of September, when my time will once again be sucked up by the TV’s siren song. In no particular order:

1) Write Assassin 2 (working on it right now — 62,000 words and counting)

2) Write Assassin 3.

3) Write Spy 3.

4) Write Charm Queen (think urban fantasy with cowboys and magic)

5) Write a romantic suspense or my long-percolating romantic comedy

6) Whittle my TBR pile down to 10 books. So I can order some stuff I really, really want, like Fire and Ice by Anne Stuart and Ill Wind by Rachel Caine. And of course, the new one by J.R. Ward. :scooby: 

What about you guys? Got big plans this summer? Share in the comments.

6 Responses to “Summer fun …”

  1. Jennifer Estep says:

    Well, actually I meant rough drafts — only about 50,000 or 60,000 words. Not the finished product.

    Realistically, I’ll probably only be able to finish Assassin 2 and write two of the rough drafts. But it’s good to have goals. :buttercup:

  2. Louise B says:

    Hey, I didn’t see any writing plans for the comic book series. What’s up?

    Louise B

  3. Jennifer Estep says:

    Louise — Actually, I’ve finished the fourth Bigtime book, Nightingale, and I’ve got a rough draft started of Bigtime five, which will be called Fangirl.

    Since I’m ahead on the comic books, I wanted to focus on my two new urban fantasy series and play around with some other new ideas. I’ll probably do some more work on the Bigtime series in the fall. (If my publisher decides they want more books in the series. Fingers crossed!)

    I just have too many ideas and books to write, and not enough time. :joecool:

  4. Louise B says:

    Oh, OK. I’ll forgive you–but only if you’re ahead in your Bigtime manuscripts. 🙂 I do hope the series is doing well. I certainly recommend it to those I know. I also wish you luck in your other endeavors.

    Louise B

  5. Jennifer Estep says:

    Yep, I’m ahead in the Bigtime books. I’m really anal in that I like to stay ahead in everything. Which is why I’m working on Assassin 2 and have already finished Spy 2. And have outlines for Book 3 in both series. It’s a disease. Sigh.

    The Bigtime books are doing well, but I’m no J.R. Ward or Nora Roberts in terms of sales. And in the end, it all comes down to sales. Publishing’s a business like any other, and the goal is to make money. All I can do is write the best books I can and hope that folks enjoy them.

    Still, I appreciate the recommendations and the well wishes. It’s nice comments from fans like you that make all the hours in front of my computer worthwhile. :ww:

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