Summer break …

It’s summer, and it’s hot. There are books I’d like to read and movies I’d like to see, and I need to get caught up on some book reviews for the blog, among several other things.

In other words, I’m taking a few days off from blogging. I’ll be back with new posts on Friday, July 1 — the release date for First Frost, a prequel e-story in my Mythos Academy young adult urban fantasy series.

Hope everyone has a good week. Stay cool!


4 Responses to “Summer break …”

  1. Erin says:

    Enjoy your break, you deserve it! (It’s 60 degrees here where I’m at, hardly summer feeling at all…but I’m not complaining!) ^.^ Take Cares!

    • Jennifer Estep says:

      Thanks! I plan to. 😉

      I would love some 60-degree weather. It’s been in the 90s for about two weeks already — which is usually all the 90-degree days that we get all summer. Looks like this year is going to be a hot one. Sigh …

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