Tangled Threads is here …

Tangled Threads is finally here! Happy release day to me! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! Okay, I’ll quit huzzahing now. LOL.

This is the fourth book in my Elemental Assassin urban fantasy series. Here’s the description:

I’d rather face a dozen lethal assas­sins any night than deal with some­thing as tricky, con­vo­luted, and frag­ile as my feel­ings. But here I am. Gin Blanco, the semi-retired assas­sin known as the Spi­der. Hov­er­ing out­side sexy busi­ness­man Owen Grayson’s front door like a ner­vous teenage girl. One thing I like about Owen: he doesn’t shy away from my past — or my present. And right now I have a bull’s-eye on my fore­head. Cold-blooded Fire ele­men­tal Mab Mon­roe has hired one of the smartest assas­sins in the busi­ness to trap me. Elek­tra LaFleur is skilled and effi­cient, with deadly elec­tri­cal ele­men­tal magic as potent as my own Ice and Stone pow­ers. Which means there’s a fifty-fifty chance one of us won’t sur­vive this bat­tle. I intend to kill LaFleur — or die try­ing — because Mab wants the assas­sin to take out my baby sis­ter, Detec­tive Bria Coolidge, too. The only prob­lem is, Bria has no idea I’m her long-lost sib­ling … or that I’m the mur­derer she’s been chas­ing through Ash­land for weeks. And what Bria doesn’t know just might get us both dead …

Basically, the book is Gin vs. LaFleur, assassin vs. assassin, which was a lot of fun for me to write.

Once again, I want to say thanks to everyone who’s e-mailed and told me how much they’re enjoying the series and to everyone who’s taken the time to read and review the book. I’ve gotten so many nice comments about the series, and I appreciate them all. It really is humbling to know that folks read and enjoy my books, and it’s always my goal to make the next book even better than the one before.

I hope everyone has as much fun reading the book as I did writing it.

Happy reading! 😉

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8 Responses to “Tangled Threads is here …”

  1. MaryW says:

    The ebook arrived early this morning. This was a very good read. These are characters that I will miss when the series is complete.


  2. Anna says:

    Happy Release Day! I purchased my book today and I’m halfway done. Now, I’m heading back to my book. ;o)

  3. Lesley says:

    I’m patiently waiting for my copy to arrive in the post, I’ve ordered another copy for a giveaway on my blog for UK readers. Can’t wait to read it!

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