Lazy days are gone again …

Since I’ve been working like crazy and finally finished my Assassin revisions, I gave myself a rare weekend off. I absolutely did nothing all weekend but read books, eat junk food, and watch my A-Team DVDs. Good times. 😎

But now, it’s time to get back to work. First up: writing a rough draft of Assassin 2. I hope to get that done by the end of July/first of August. We’ll see how it goes. Then, I need to think about Assassin 3, crank out another fantasy idea I have, and maybe play around with this Southern contemporary I want to work on.

Oh yeah, I also need to whittle down my TBR pile, update the Web site, and do some promo stuff for Jinx. I need a clone. Sigh.

What about you? Got any projects you want to get done now that it’s officially summer?

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