Hot Mama once more …

mama_rough.jpgSybil and the other folks over at The Good, the Bad, and the Unread have been kind enough to do a fresh review of Hot Mama, in anticipation of the mass market paperback release on Aug. 5 — this upcoming Tuesday. Can you believe it?

It seems like just yesterday the trade paperback version was coming out. But here we are, several months later already. Kids are already going back to school in my part of the woods, which means summer is almost over. Shaking head.

In other news, there will be some excerpts from Jinx and some other info posted on TGTBTU sometime soon. So keep an eye out for that.

And if you missed Hot Mama the first time around, I hope you can check it and the other books out — and get sucked into the zany, campy world of Bigtime, N.Y. :ww:

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