Fall finales

I’ve finally had time to watch the “fall finales” of some of my favorite shows this week. Some were good, some were so-so, some were a little confusing. Here’s what I think. Warning: There be spoilers ahead.

Heroes: I knew Sylar was going to kill Eden the moment she suggested that she “persuade” him to commit suicide. And really, Mr. Bennet, don’t you think you should off the guy who wants to cut out your daughter’s brain so he can absorb her power? Instead of following orders from your shady higher-ups? Just a thought.

Other than that, a great episode. Loved the painting of Hiro battling that dinosaur and Ando wishing that “destiny would lose their number.” I have no idea how they’re going to bring Niki, DL, and Micah into the mix with the other heroes, but I hope they do it soon. I think it’d be fun to see Niki’s alter-ego face off with Nathan again.

Then, there’s Peter. Oh, Peter. Seeing a future in which you spontaneously explode can not be good for your mental health. I’m wondering if that was really the future or Sylar (or someone else) playing some kind of mind game with Peter.

Hmmm. So many questions to ponder over until January …

Prison Break: A rock ’em, sock ’em finale with lots of twists and turns, including Kellerman’s surprising about-face. I thought the oh-so-guilt-ridden Mahone would be the one to help the brothers escape custody (yet again). Instead, Kellerman put a bullet in the FBI agent. I hope Mahone makes it to next season.

T-Bag finally found his lady love — after seducing and killing a postal worker to get her address. He’s sooo creepy — and sooo fascinating at the same time. No C-Note or Haywire, though, and very little of Sarah or Sucre. Ah, well. At least it’s coming back in January instead of March.

If the show goes for a third season, I hope the writers have the former convicts band together to uncover the conspiracy. That would be a great way for everyone to interact more. Just a thought …

Veronica Mars: I gotta say that this one was a little disappointing. Mercer is the rapist, helped by the dorm supervisor all because they did a psychological experiment together back in the day. What’s up with that? Plus, there were no flashbacks to show us how they pulled it off. They really should have done more with the experiment episode to tie it together like that.

But what bothered me the most was Veronica. The girl is just reckless. She’s going to a dorm room to confront a rapist, and she doesn’t call her dad, Logan, Wallace, or even the police. That was dumb. And it always seems like someone has to save her. It was her dad the first season, Logan last year, and Parker this time.

I enjoyed seeing Parker confront Mercer, but Veronica, please, do me a favor — take some self-defense classes. Because your Taser isn’t helping you much these days. You only weigh like a hundred pounds. If you’re going to go around confronting bad guys, you should be able to take care of yourself. 

I did enjoy one of the last scenes with Logan bashing the police car so he could get thrown into the same cell as Mercer. Classic Logan. 🙂

And, I’m interested to see what they do about the dean’s murder. How much you wanna bet that Lamb blames Weevil?

What about you? What shows are you loving or hating this year? Inquiring minds want to know …

4 Responses to “Fall finales”

  1. Brian says:

    Veronica Mars is on a mission. Since she was raped, Veronica has only found comfort in solving mysteries. She is reckless, but also completely driven to find some kind of justice. This determination has made her vulnerable and she often gets in over her head. Veronica does differ from recent female heroes. Alias, Dark Angel, Buffy, Xena, — All had female leads with tremendous physical strength. Veronica gets by on quick wit, which doesn’t take out the bad guys like a good spin kick. Veronica should be celebrated for just being a normal girl that tries to fight injustice.

    Heroes is progressing nicely, and I believe that the show has improved greatly since the beginning of the season. Niki is my only complaint. She is a show killer – Every time she comes on the screen the show grinds to a halt. I’m holding out hope that Sylar takes a look at Niki’s brain real soon.

    The shows I’m really loving are The Wire and Battlestar Galactica.

    The only show that I really hate and dropped from my schedule with malice is Prison Break. I would love to have the time back that I wasted on that show. I hope that the guys from Fox’s Prison Break get sent to HBO’s Oz.

  2. Jennifer Estep says:

    I agree that Veronica is on a mission (caused by Lily’s murder and its aftermath) and that sometimes blinds her to things. But she’s also very intelligent — so why doesn’t she do the smart thing and take a self-defense class? That wouldn’t morph her into Buffy, but it would allow her to defend herself better.

    It’s just a little obvious inconsistency that drives me nuts, especially after Cassidy took her Taser away and zapped her with it last year. You’d think she would have learned something from that. Or from almost getting her face cut off at the Fitzpatricks’ bar.

    Eden irritated me more than Niki. And I really wish Peter would do something with his bangs. You could do a drinking game based on the number of times he brushes them aside every episode.

    I still like Prison Break. It’s dropped a little bit in quality this season, mainly because everyone is not in a confined space to interact with each other anymore. But, the writers had to deliver on the show’s preimise and have them break out of prison, so I forgive them for that.

  3. Edie says:

    Heroes is my favorite new show, but I agree that someone should have offed Skylar. And I thought the same thing about Veronica. She was actually whimpering in the last episode.:roll: I wondered about giving her a marital arts class too, lol.

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