Crimson Frost released …

Crimson FrostCrimson Frost, the fourth book in my Mythos Academy young adult urban fantasy series, has been released. Huzzah!

Here is the book description. Please note that this does have some spoilers for previous books in the series, so if you don’t want to be spoiled, you might want to skip over the description. Here goes:

For a moment, a face flashed before my eyes — the most hideous face I’d ever seen.  No matter how hard I tried to forget what had happened, I saw him everywhere I went. It was Loki — the evil god that I’d helped set free against my will.

I should have known that my first official date with Logan Quinn was destined to end in disaster. If we’d gotten into a swordfight, or been ambushed by Reapers, I’d have been more prepared. But getting arrested mid-sip at the local coffee hangout? I didn’t see that one coming.  I’ve been accused of purposely helping the Reapers free Loki from his prison — and the person leading the charge against me is Linus Quinn, Logan’s dad. The worst part is that pretty much everyone at Mythos Academy thinks I’m guilty. If I’m going to get out of this mess alive, I’ll have to do it myself …

Crimson Frost is available at Amazon, Barnes & NobleBooks-A-Million, and other booksellers. You can read the first chapter here. Again, the chapter has some spoilers, especially if you haven’t read Dark Frost yet.

Anyway, hope everyone enjoys the book. Happy reading!

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4 Responses to “Crimson Frost released …”

  1. Laurel Keller says:

    I finished Crimson Frost last night, as my Amazon delivery on Christmas Eve arrived in the afternoon and I was half-way through Jim Butcher’s Cold Days. I loved (and hated) it for all the right reasons. No spoilers allowed so I will only say that you always deliver a great story that leaves me anticipating the next book! Thanks for another great read.

  2. ~B says:

    Loved ‘Crimson Frost’. I see it’s also out as an Audiobook which is great. Are there plans for the earlier books to get the audio treatment as well?

    • Jennifer Estep says:

      Thanks. I appreciate that. Glad you enjoyed the book.

      Yes, the CRIMSON FROST audiobooks is available through Audible. The other books in the series will also be released as audiobooks and on CD over the next few months. I’m doing a post about the audiobooks a little later this month with a few more details, so be on the lookout for that.

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