E-ARCs and bookmarks policies …

I’ve posted this on the Extras page, but I thought I would mention it here on the blog as well. I currently have electronic advanced reading copies (e-ARCs) available for both Spider’s Bite and Web of Lies (coming out on May 25)

The e-ARCs are for librarians, booksellers, and book reviewers for review purposes only. I do ask that folks who request an e-ARC actually review the book in a timely manner — around the release date in other words — as well as send me a link to the book review when it gets posted online. You don’t have to like my books, but I do like to check and make sure that they actually get read/reviewed — that’s the whole point of having e-ARCs in the first place, whether the reviews are good, bad, or indifferent.

Interested in an e-ARC? Send me an e-mail and include the name of your library/bookstore/review site, as well as which e-ARC that you want.

Note: Please don’t e-mail me if you don’t have a review site and are just trying to get and read the books for free. If folks start trying to scam me, then I’ll have to rethink my policy.

Also, I offer free bookmarks to readers. I currently have bookmarks available for Spider’s Bite and Web of Lies and will be getting some made for Venom when the cover art is finalized. These are available to anyone who wants some — librarians, booksellers, book reviewers, readers, and other groups.

However, I do ask that folks send me a self-addressed stamped envelope to help me cover postage costs. Also, I’ve gotten several requests from overseas readers about getting bookmarks. Overseas postage can be expensive, so I also ask those folks to send me a SASE or international postage coupons to help me out with the cost of mailing the bookmarks back to them.

Got questions? Ask away in the comments.

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