A look back …

Summer is almost over. I can’t believe it’s almost September already. Where did the time go? Shaking head.

Back in June, I posted about some things I needed to do this summer. I thought I’d give myself and you guys an update and measure my progress. So, here’s my list, along with whether or not I finished the projects.

1) Finish page proofs for Hot Mama. 

Done. I got a couple of Hot Mama ARCs in the mail last week. Who-hoo! 😎

2) Finish up Bigtime 4, aka Nightingale.

Done. Mostly. I sent it to the agent, who liked it. (Yeah!) Right now, I’m working on some minor revisions for her, which I plan to finish by Sept. 1, if not before.  

3) Write a rough draft of Bigtime 5, aka Fangirl.

Done, but it’s really, really short, and it really, really sucks. It needs some serious tinkering.

4) Finish up my paranormal spy book, aka Live and Let Spy.

Almost there. I’ve printed out the final draft. I need to read through it and do some minor editing before I sent it to the agent, and see what she thinks about it.

5) Write a rough draft of the second spy book, You Only Spy Twice.

Done, but like Fangirl, it’s really, really short, and it really, really sucks (all my first drafts do). But at least I have an idea of where I’m going and now I know that I can make a series out of this.

6) Update the Web site with Hot Mama extras, new contests, photos, etc.

Done. Mostly. I need to fix some typos and tweak a few things. I’m also waiting for some more art elements and Easter eggs from my Web site guru.

7) Get bookmarks made for Hot Mama.

Done. As always, these are free to readers. If you want some, send me an e-mail at jennifer@jenniferestep.com.

8) Update my pitch letters and promo materials for Karma Girl and Hot Mama.

Done. Mostly. I need to edit the letters and promo stuff for typos, but I went ahead and sent the info to my publicist at Berkley.

9) Dazzle everyone with my wit and brilliance at RWA Nationals.

Well, I went to RWA. Whether I dazzled anyone is debatable. 🙄

10) Get my head examined for thinking I can get all this accomplished in three months. :cool:

This one still stands.

Overall, I didn’t do too bad. Now, I need to make my list for fall … 😀

What about you? Did you accomplish your summer writing goals? Inquiring minds want to know …

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