One hot cover …

hot_mama_cover.jpgOver the weekend, I got some cover art for Bigtime 2, aka Hot Mama. This isn’t the final cover, but it gives y’all an idea of what to look for.

Personally, I looove it. It captures Fiera, the main character, exactly the way I picture her in my head. Sassy, sexy, and sophisticated. I can’t wait to get the final version with all the quotes, etc. so I can get some bookmarks made. I’m a bookmark junkie, and I like it! 😎

Kudos to Stan Chow at Berkley for the stellar design once again. He also was the mastermind behind Karma Girl.

What about you? Do you love the cover? Hate it? Would it make you want to know more about the book? Inquiring minds want to know …

5 Responses to “One hot cover …”

  1. Tom Netherland says:

    Hiya Jennifer,

    Was just browsing books to buy on Amazon, and came across your forthcoming books. Right you are, one hot cover – make that two hot covers! Best of luck, lots of sales, and you betcha I will read them:)


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