Oh, what a tangled web Gin weaves …

Look what my editor sent me — the preliminary cover art for Tangled Threads, the fourth Elemental Assassin book. So pretty! So shiny! šŸ˜‰

Seriously, I think this is another kick-ass cover. There are so many little details that I love about it — the use of the spider rune in the title, the rune showing on Gin’s hand again, how tough and cool bad-ass she looks. And the background is just perfect, since a lot of the action in the book takes place at a train yard.

For those of you who missed it, here’s the back cover copy for Tangled Threads:

Iā€™d rather face a dozen lethal assasĀ­sins any night than deal with someĀ­thing as tricky, conĀ­voĀ­luted, and fragĀ­ile as my feelings. But here I am. Gin Blanco, the semi-retired assasĀ­sin known as the SpiĀ­der. HovĀ­erĀ­ing outĀ­side sexy busiĀ­nessĀ­man Owen Graysonā€™s front door like a nerĀ­vous teenage girl. One thing I like about Owen: he doesnā€™t shy away from my pastā€”or my present. And right now I have a bullā€™s-eye on my foreĀ­head. Cold-blooded Fire eleĀ­menĀ­tal Mab MonĀ­roe has hired one of the smartest assasĀ­sins in the busiĀ­ness to trap me. ElekĀ­tra LaFleur is skilled and effiĀ­cient, with deadly elecĀ­triĀ­cal eleĀ­menĀ­tal magic as potent as my own Ice and Stone powĀ­ers. Which means thereā€™s a fifty-fifty chance one of us wonā€™t surĀ­vive this batĀ­tle. I intend to kill LaFleurā€”or die tryingā€”because Mab wants the assasĀ­sin to take out my baby sisĀ­ter, DetecĀ­tive Bria Coolidge, too. The only probĀ­lem is, Bria has no idea Iā€™m her long-lost sibĀ­ling ā€¦ or that Iā€™m the murĀ­derer sheā€™s been chasĀ­ing through AshĀ­land for weeks. And what Bria doesnā€™t know just might get us bothĀ dead ā€¦

In other news, Scott on my Facebook fan page alerted me to the fact that Tangled Threads is now up for pre-order at Amazon. So go forth and buy, if you wish. It looks like the book will be out in May 2011 (April 26 to be exact), unless something drastic changes. I’m pretty sure that book #5 will be out on October 2011, but I’m still waiting on confirmation on that one too.

Anyway, I’m doing the happy dance about how cool the cover is. I hope you guys like it too! šŸ˜‰

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10 Responses to “Oh, what a tangled web Gin weaves …”

  1. Barb says:

    Great cover, I really like it! I was reading on Karen Chance’s website (I think) that she doesn’t have a say in the titles of the books. Is that true for you as well? If not, is that common in publishing, that they choose the titles, not the authors?

    • Jennifer Estep says:

      Thanks! I like it a lot too. šŸ˜‰

      I have a little bit of say when it comes to titles. When I write a book, I suggest a title for it and submit it to my editor and agent. Sometimes, they like my title and will use it. Sometimes, they don’t, and we end up going with a different title.

      Usually, there is a lot of discussion and e-mails back and forth between me, my editor, and my agent talking about potential titles. My editor also talks to the marketing folks to see which titles they like. So it’s really a group effort. The publisher does have the final say though about which title we use. But I’ve been happy with all my titles so far.

  2. aimi says:

    amazing book! i cant wait for this to release. Ms. Estep, I am a great admirer of your works (well the spider series, i haven’t tried your others). Abit frustrated that Gin still haven’t told Bria but happy with the relationship between Gin and Owen- they make a good match. I don’t think anybody likes Donovan Caine much. Sometimes i feel like slapping his head and tell him that nobody is an angel in this world so stop being a hypocrite ><

    • Jennifer Estep says:

      Aimi — Cool. I’m glad you enjoyed VENOM, and thanks for the nice words about my books. I appreciate them.

      Yeah, everyone seems to be on board with Team Owen, which is good, since you’ll see more of him in TANGLED THREADS. šŸ˜‰

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