Lazing around on Sundays

Sunday is definitely my favorite day of the week. You know why?

Because it’s the day I do nothing.

Well, technically, that’s not true. Most of the time, I do quite a bit on Sundays. I usually work at least four hours on my latest book/editing project. But these four hours are sandwiched around a nice lunch and an even nicer nap. 😉

I love Sundays because they’re the only days I have to myself. No day job, no errands to run, no housework to do. I can eat, I can sleep, and I can relax. It’s a little slice of freedom to start the week off right.

What about you? How do you while away your Sundays? Inquiring minds want to know …

2 Responses to “Lazing around on Sundays”

  1. spyscribbler says:

    Sundays are my hell day. I work from 8 in the morning until 9 at night, and I get one hour for lunch. No breakfast, because I don’t wake up on time, and no dinner, because I just don’t get a dinner break.

    Fridays used to be my Sundays, but now I pull marathon days at Borders cranking out as many words as possible.

    *sigh* But write on about your Sundays! I love to live vicariously!

  2. Jennifer Estep says:

    A thirteen-hour day? Yikes!

    But I know how you feel. The rest of the week, it’s nine hours at the day job, a quick dinner, maybe a workout, then a couple more hours back in front of my computer working on stuff.

    Then, it’s off to bed to repeat the whole thing again. Which is why I love Sundays so much. I actually think I get more work done then because I’m not distracted by other things.

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