Introducing the Lady Persephone …

the-lady-persephone.jpgAt least, I think Persephone’s going to be her name. My significant other is reading The Iliad right now, so he’s a little hung up on the Greek names.

I wanted to call her Nike, after the goddess of victory, but he thought people would think he named her after the shoe company.

And yes, that is an empty Kleenex box she’s sitting in.

5 Responses to “Introducing the Lady Persephone …”

  1. celeber says:

    The cuteness continues! Persephone is a fun name, think of all the nicknames she could have? You could call the cat purse, or seph, or phony.
    We have had some strange names in the past. Our most recent loss was a beloved tuxedo cat named Magellan, who was a bizarre cat. We were convinced he was half dragon (jk).

  2. Jennifer Estep says:

    I think I’ll call her Peony. That’s sort of like Persephone. Or Miss Kitty.

    Sorry about your cat. It’s always tough to lose a pet. I still miss my dog, which we put to sleep almost a year ago now.

  3. Lola says:

    I just stumbled upon this little website, and I must congratulate you. I do so love kittens. What a cutie!

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