Goodbye 2010, hello 2011 …

So we’ve come to the end of another year, and I thought I’d take a few moments to reflect. Really, though, there’s only one thing to say: 2010 was by far the best year I’ve ever had as an author.

I had three books out in 2010 — Spider’s Bite, Web of Lies, and Venom — and the response to them was just fantastic and so much more than I let myself hope for. I’ve gotten so many wonderful e-mails from folks who just love Gin Blanco and the rest of the gang at the Pork Pit. So a big thanks goes out to everyone who’s e-mailed me to tell me how much they’re enjoying the Elemental Assassin series. I appreciate all your comments. 😉

And my sales were better too. Spider’s Bite and Web of Lies are both in their third printings, and Venom is in its second printing. This is the first time any of my books have gone back to press. Now, my printings weren’t huge to start with, but the books seem to keep selling at a steady pace, which is really awesome and gratifying. I really am grateful for the success of the books.

I also sold a new series in 2010 — my Mythos Academy young adult series — and I’ve got my fingers crossed that it gets the same response that the Elemental Assassin books have. So now, I’ll have books out in two series in 2011, and I’m hoping to get a third series under way as well — as soon as I find time to write something new. LOL.

As for resolutions for 2011, I’m going to keep them simple:

1) Write more.

2) Read more.

3) Eat healthier/exercise more.

4) Lose weight.

5) Be a better person.

Hopefully, the first two won’t be too hard to keep. Numbers three and four will probably trip me up, though. As for number five, well, I guess it will depend on how stressed I am on any given day. LOL.

But here’s to a clean slate and the possibilities that the new year presents. Cheers, everyone! 😉

What about you guys? What are your resolutions? What are you looking forward to in the new year?

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