Elemental Assassin reading order …

So I’ve been getting some questions about the reading order for my Elemental Assassin urban fantasy series.

Book #15If you’ve looked at some of the online booksellers, you’ve probably noticed that the reading order on many of the sites is not correct. For some reason, it seems like many of the online retailers are now counting e-novellas and short stories as actual, full-length books in the series, which throws off the reading order. For example, I’ve seen Unwanted, e-novella #14.5, listed as book #18, and Unraveled, book #15, listed as book #19. And so on and so forth.

I’m not sure if this is happening to other authors, or just to me, since there are so many works in my Elemental Assassin series now.

Anyway, my publisher has been working to correct the problem, but I don’t know when it will be fixed — or if it even can be fixed. But if the books/e-novellas/stories look misnumbered online, then this is probably the reason why.

You can always find the correct Elemental Assassin reading order here on my website, and I usually include the book/e-novella number when I talk about the various works in the series. Hope that helps. Thanks!

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