Dark Heart of Magic, Black Blade #2, to be published in German …

Estep Black Blade 2Attention German readers: I wanted to let you know that Dark Heart of Magic, the second book in my Black Blade young adult urban fantasy series, will be released in German on May 2.

And here is the cover for Dark Heart of Magic. I always think it’s so interesting to see how the covers vary from country to country. I really like the white covers that my German publisher, Piper Verlag, has been doing for this series, along with my Mythos Academy series. (Although my favorite German covers are the ones with the flowers on the front and on the spines for my Mythos Academy series.)

I’m not sure when Bright Blaze of Magic, the third and final book in the series, will be released in German. If I had to guess, I would say probably sometime in the fall 2016, but I don’t know for sure. If I get some more information about the release date later on, I’ll try to remember to share that here on my blog and social media sites.

And of course Cold Burn of Magic, the first book in the series, is also available in German.

I hope that all the German readers enjoy Dark Heart of Magic when it is released. Happy reading!

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