First Frost


#0.5 Prequel E-Story

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Release Date: July 2011

First Frost description:

I am Gwen Frost, and I have a Gypsy gift.  It’s called psychometry — that’s a fancy way of saying that I see images in my head and get flashes of other people’s memories off almost everything I touch, even guys.

My gift makes me kind of nosy. Okay, okay, maybe a lot nosy — to the point of obsession sometimes. I want to know everything about everyone around me. But even I don’t want to know the secret that a girl in my class is hiding or the terrible loss that will send me to a new school — Mythos Academy, where the teachers aren’t preparing us for the SATs, but to battle Reapers of Chaos.  Now I have no friends and no idea how my gift fits in with all these warrior whiz kids.  The only thing I do know is that my life is never, ever going to be the same …

Note: This e-story takes place before the events in Touch of Frost. It is available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo, and other online booksellers as a 99-cent download, not as a free story here on the website. You don’t have to read it to start or enjoy the series, but if you want to see exactly how Gwen winds up at Mythos Academy, you might enjoy it.

Buy First Frost at the following sites:

Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Books-A-Million / Google Play / iBooks / Kobo

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