Behold the shiny new cover …

Look what my editor sent me this week — the final version of the cover for Web of Lies.

So shiny! So pretty! So awesome!

Okay, I’ll quit gushing now. The cover, done by the awesome Tony Mauro, is basically the same as what I’ve shown here on the blog before. A couple of things were tweaked, like moving my name up to the top. You gotta love that as an author. 😉

I’m eager to see what the cover for Venom will look like. I should be getting some preliminary art for that before too much longer.

And I should mention that both Web of Lies and Venom are now up for pre-order at Amazon. So if you liked Spider’s Bite, I hope you’ll check out the other books too.

Now that I have the final version of the cover, I can get some bookmarks made for Web of Lies. In fact, I sent my files in today, so I should get the bookmarks in about two weeks or so. I’ll post here again when I have them and tell everyone how to get them.

In the meantime, I’m going to enjoy my cover goodness. Happy reading! 😉

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2 Responses to “Behold the shiny new cover …”

  1. Edie says:

    I just read in your newsletter that you sold books 4 & 5 in the Elemental series. Huge congratulations!!!

    I did see your cool looking cover before, but it’s great to have your name on the top. Next time your name will be even bigger. 🙂

  2. Jennifer Estep says:

    Hi, Edie! Thanks so much! I appreciate the well wishes. One question — was there any crazy-looking type in the newsletter? Just wondering …

    Fingers crossed about the bigger name! 😉

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