780 and counting …

I read somewhere that a person can only read about 3,000 books in her lifetime (on average). This depresses me. Only 3,000? I could probably find that many books I wanted to read in a year’s time. Good grief, every time I flip through Romantic Times I find at least 20 or so that sound interesting.

After hearing this stat, I started a list of all the books that I’ve read. Right now, I’m up to 780 and hope to hit 800 by the end of the year. The number would probably be closer to 1,000 if you factored in all the Baby-Sitter Club, Sweet Valley High, and other books I read as a kid. But it’s just 780 since I started keeping track.

Next on my to-be-read pile are some freebies I got from the RWA convention and a couple of fantasy books from the library.

What about you? How many books do you think you’ve read? What are you reading right now? Inquiring minds want to know …

3 Responses to “780 and counting …”

  1. Meljean says:

    I think I’ve gone way beyond 3,000 by now, but it is depressing how many I’ll never have time to get to. Sigh.

    LOVE the site. I keep mousing over your buttons just to make them go POW!

  2. Edie says:

    I know I’ve beaten the 3000 average. I’m reading Fortune Teller’s Daughter by Susan Wilson. An excellent read.

    I love your site! The cars on top are so cool.

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